
The people patiently wait for the return of One-Eye & Bowie to deliver Us salvation

OMG... Can we get a Death Race Mode?! Sorry... I’m in the wrong place. I need to state this in the forum so it gets read by the Devs.

Good bye for now! I’ll follow to see what the future holds.

Exactly. Like not all of us are out here dating outside of our race by preference. I know my experience ain’t unique. We just went through some thangs, learned a long the way and grew (hopefully). Life is about growth and learning about yourself. There’s no need for these boxes to be checked to prove you’re down for

You’re definitely smarter than me, and that’s hot.
I hope you have a good evening as well.

You’re assuming a lot of things right now. Like I never disagreed with the statements said nor am I even defending Glover, I never said anything disparaging about black women and I def don’t feel I’m entitled to have women fall to my feet. Shit, I ain’t entitled to shit if the powers that be say it so. I’m just

I didn’t say anything towards that because it still falls under my previous statement for being shy.

Oh for sure. If you got a thing for women whom aren’t black then just admit and be yourself. Nothing worse than a nigga who fakes the funk for approval. Those school days are meant as a learning experience by trial and error. I saw the errors in my choice and recognize I missed opportunities for not shooting my shot.

I feel you on your point. I don’t get why dudes go straight to the “black women hate” agenda so fast. People call it how they see it. If it appears that way, then its perceived that way. But I will say one this... I kinda feel where he’s coming from on his old “jokes”. Because I had that same issue back in high

His Father is an accomplice due to negligence. Like his fam called 911 on him cause they were scared for his safety, after displaying suicidal thoughts and thinkin Taylor Swift was stalking him... So somewhere in between him moving out and those multiple string of events involving his odd behavior, his father whom

Lmao, Get’em.... But I like David Huckaboon better.

PLEASE! The World must know about its everlasting gold.

I’ve heard a comedian refer to her as Sarah Huckaboon Poundcake and I can’t go back to her real name, Ever. Now this art piece matches the name perfectly.

WOW..... If I was in The Imperium I’d be hella pissed. That’s some bullshit to lose such an important battle to time dilation. Its like some cheesy plot hole device to help the overwhelming losing side to some how win. I love reading these galactic updates. Some how moments like this manage to trigger me and I don’t

Taught him just enough to scheme his way to riches

“A B.S. in Economics also prepares students for graduate programs in law, business, international studies and other fields. A Bachelor of Science in Economics gives students the necessary knowledge in math, business and economics to work as financial analysts, economists or market research analysts.”

HE GOT A B.S. degree.... I’m dyin, that’s pure gold. Trumpelstiltskin might as well be out here selling Snake-Oil while he’s at it.

Absolute garbage person. The type who complains about this shit and also says, “Touch me and I’ll sue.” Empathy requires a soul that this person obviously doesn’t have.

“I don’t hate Black people. I got Black friends!”
Bet that’s either the next comment or what he/she are goinna say next.
Trash. Someone is basically dead due to medical condition and you want to throw shade on their name. Plus the Cops killed a man over Loosies. LOOSIES... The cigarette companies don’t care if a person

Man.... I use to fuck that up. Along with fried bolognia, gov. cheese (if you want to call it “cheese”) sand-whiches, Top Ramen with a boil egg, hot dog and egg sand-whiches, Hot-sauce with the Chief Boyardee Raviolis... Sadly, I can keep the list rollin, but I prefer to stop there. During a dire childhood I knew a