Ariel is an abortionado

I didn’t get that from the article, but I see how it could be read that way. I am white, so maybe I just don’t get it. I just wanted to say that there’s definitely a problem with representing WOC as attractive in media. I mean in India people use “bleaching” creams to get their skin fairer. It’s called “Fair and

Yeah a minor is much more vulnerable to abuse in their homes.


I feel sick. I guess with Trump’s win and Republicans getting emboldened we will have to get used to the taste of bile rising in our throats, as a commenter said in another thread.


Yes, we will. Also, I cried when Hasan Minhaj talked about what this election’s results meant to him and his mom because I love him so much. We will also need to fight for the rights of Muslins in America. The rights of all non-white males, really. I actually got drunk and cried when I realized Trump was going to win,

I’m a white woman and totally agree with you. Not only they voted for someone who will make non-white people, immigrants and Muslims less safe, it also affects me personally because I’m a woman and he wants to overturn Roe v, Wade. I cannot be friends with someone that supports my right over my body being taken from

I see them as things to occupy my time and distract myself with.

Edit: Deserved not desert which was what I was thinking about at the time. And I put an ´ in “virus”. I am studying another language and living in another country. It’s funny how it works, sometimes I dream in portuguese.

It’s called Tokophobia. I have nightmares about pregnancy since I was a virgin. I also don’t like kids very much, I mean they’re cute but I don’t want to take care of the or clean after them. I also don’t like what would happen to my body if I had kids, I’ll be in the shallow end of the pool.


I know. Fuck them. So entitled to play with other people’s rights like this. Such a lack of empathy for women, minorities, immigrants, muslins.

Wait, it wasn’t my step-cousin who said they supported Brazilian Pence, it was an acquaintance with the same name! Phew. He’s back to being called a cousin. Also, another FB friendship terminated. =)

Great. We needed a new thing to distract us. He has a 6-gallon tank I designed, a filter,everything with the recommendations of experts. I hope this way he can live a long life. He also has a heater, and also a cooler for days that get too hot.

Another step-cousin posted in response: “just because Americans chose to eat their own shit, doesn’t mean we have to as well”.LOL.

“deserved” not desert, which I am going to have now, LOL.

No, you have no obligation to respond. I thought you didn’t like the Barbie Bro Betta fish comment. I’m saying I’m neurotic. I don’t work so I have nothing but time to obsess over everything.

No problem. It has happened to me. And really, I’m being crazy, LOL.

He is an evangelical congressman who made a bill to make doctors consider homosexuality a disease again and told a congresswoman she was so ugly she didn’t desert to be raped. Also, a law to try to make abortion in the case of microcephaly because of the Zica vírus even more illegal. None of his bills were made into

i also logged off and avoided news