Ariel is an abortionado

Dad is the same. He thinks I’m not listening to him and if I will I will somehow understand why he voted for trump. I’m like, there is no excuse in the world unless the opposition was Pence instead of Hillary.

My parents are just like that (not anti-LGBT]. Or were before I got financially independent and bailed for 5 years until my dad had a heart attack and I reestablished relations. My sister was still in their control until recently when she just rebelled. They even picked our colleges and careers. I was supposed to be a

Hey, how have you been? Are you ignoring me? (I’m neurotic. Never mind).

We are a cancer on this beautiful planet.

I just said the same:

Would that be such a bad thing? It would be great for, like, every other species on the planet. I’m an antinatalist.I would be fine with us disappearing if the whales, the tigers, the elephants are saved. Especially the elephants. They are highly intelligent and empathetic animals being slaved and tortured for work

Same, I’m good with my cats and fish tanks, thanks. My husband had a vasectomy, thank God. I used to have nightmares about being pregnant.

Too soon? I actually love Bernie, just find the expression funny.

We’re getting a betta fish and naming it Bernie Bro. LOL.

I know. No one better tell Bill about this, right? LOL. The Clintons, communists, LMAO. It’s because Bernie pushed her left, I think. And she made some supportive comments about the leftist former president of Brazil. My stepmom is Brazilian and she hated the now impeached President Dilma, who actually were a

The funny thing is that my dad keeps insisting I will understand if I just let he explain why he voted for Trump, He has already explained to me a million times. The reason is islamophobia and he thinks Hillary is a communist (LOL), And she would bring refugees that would commit acts of terrorism, according to him.

Funny skit about Thanksgiving, but seriously, like I’ll go home for Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Or my birthday. Or his or anyone else’s birthday. Not happening, not for a while.

So do I.

Oh, I know, I feel the same way about her. But please, Ruth, we still need you, please do not retire, I will think of you every day and pray for your health (and suddenly I’m religious again).

Republicans call us bleeding heart liberals but yeah, we care about the concerns of others, we care about the rights of others, what do they have to lose when they lose an election? Taking reproductives rights, LGBT rights away? Their privilege and desire of limiting and controlling everyone else’s lives in name of

I want to write to the oldest SCOTUS judges and beg them to stay healthy, be very careful, and FFS do not to retire for the next 4 years.

Thanks, and how are you doing? Any better?

So my husband wants to drag me to the doctor to see if he can prescribe something to take at night, that’s when the rage and anxiety get worse. I think I may ask him for quetiapine to calm down, not kidding. It’s an antipsychotic my bio mother takes. I tried a few times and you sleep like an angel, it just wipes out

I see. I couldn’t find anything about him being against abortion either. He claims to stand up for Christian, Jewish and Humanist values. His thing is islamophobia, xenophobia, and racism, I believe. Anyway, wouldn’t be surprised if he was against reproductive rights, euthanasia rights or LGBT rights as well but

Really? Does he have a lot of people supporting him on those issues?