Ariana Guzmán

It's clear that only the first 6 episodes were reviewed because I don't think this season was less grounded at all and I think season two is even better than the first because Kimmy got to deal with more emotional things concerning her past, Lilian got more to do and Titus and his love interest had great chemistry.

As far as Claire's pregnancy, some women don't show until the very end of their pregnancy. I knew a girl who didn't look pregnant until it was nearly time to give birth.

I get that Paige is a teenager and Pastor Tim is a pastor but even am I shocked that they both so readily accepted the fact that no one gets hurt when Russian spies do their job. Also, how dumb is Pastor Tim?! "I just found out a dangerous secret from one of my favorite parishioners. What to do… Oh I know! Let me tell

I keep waiting for Derrick to go home. He just dresses like different reiterations of Britney every week and has yet to display an actual personality. This is precisely why season 7 was my least favorite. So many talented queens but with a distinct lack of personality. Violet was amazing as fashion but her personality

If you truly want to see Ken Marino in a WTF Veronica Mars reunion, you should watch House of Lies. Him and Kristen Bell's characters are in a romantic relationship and I could think was "Why is Veronica kissing Vinnie Van Lowe. What would her dad think? Or Logan? Or Leo?" Lol great finale! I'm now wondering what

Robbie was safe on the fact that he didn't wear a kimono like half of the contestants. I mean, of all of Madonna's looks, that's the one everyone chose? It was hilariously inexplicable. I also think a different song could have been chosen for the lip sync. It wasn't a particular favorite that I've seen before. Betty

I need to start wearing my glasses lol

How can you make this list and not include the Jennings from The Americans?! They're awesome KGB spies who kill for their country like every episode. Plus, there is a great scene where they both talk about religion and indoctrination while completely not realizing they themselves were indoctrinated.

I'm just wondering what ever happens to Chuck's wife we saw an episode or two ago. Did she leave him or die? Also, anyone else get the feeling that by the Breaking Bad timeline, Kim is dead? I just have this feeling that she will meet some horrible end and that will be the final catalyst for Jimmy to become Saul. I'm

Also, now that Cary has quit the firm, will he move to California and become the hotshot lawyer Logan Huntzberger supposedly became?

I couldn't believe Peter actually had the nerve to call Alicia a bad mom and asking where Grace was during her affair with Jason. Are you kidding Peter? Grace is in the same place she was when you were screwing hookers and your employees. He never ceases to amaze in his dubiousness and narcissism. I'm glad Alicia

I don't know if they're recorded but I think the Jennings will find out because Pastor Tim being so holier than thou will eventually try to turn them over to the authorities and then he will be murdered!

I can't wait until the Jennings find out about Pastor Tim and he's finally murdered. In a show where the main characters broke bones to stuff a woman's body in a suitcase, it's the pastor I found the most insufferable. I'm excited for Dylan Baker. Now that The Good Wife is ending, it's nice he's on TV. I love Frank

I laughed so hard when she called them all garbage. Two days later and I'm still cracking up. She's not even pretending she's not sick of their bullshit anymore LOL

I honestly don't feel like this grade was deserved and I find myself disagreeing a lot with grading. I thought this was a very important episode, especially since the fate of Everlasting hangs in the balance. I also don't think Rachel going on the roof was out of character. I think she felt guilty about blindsiding

I'm surprised there was no mention of how Sherlock refused to share at the meeting towards the end of the episode. I think this season will show Sherlock really struggling with his sobriety. I hope we see more scenes with his sponsor and his sponsee. When struggling with staying sober, those are the kind of people you

His interviews with Robin Williams were always so funny. Keeping up with Robin is no easy task but those two made joke after joke after joke so effortlessly.

Rape should never be used as a reason to root for a character harder. It's insulting to rape survivors because it places too high a value on the crime itself. Most rape survivors would rather not have their strength measured by how well they handled being raped.

She was a villain though. You can be complex and still be a villain. The writers expected us to have all this newfound sympathy for her as a character but it doesn't change the fact that she blamed her husband for something his father did. She was a distant wife for years and we're supposed to believe that it's ok to

There's a huge difference between Mellie's rape and Mary's. Mellie's was used in the wrong way. It was used to explain to the audience why she's such a bitch and to make us feel bad for her. Rape should never be used solely as a plot point to excuse bad behavior. It lessens the emotional toil and impact it places on