Ariana Guzmán

As a broke, struggling college student, I personally wanted to cry when Kitty poured soda all over a perfect fine MacBook. Why not return the computer to Joan or just delete the file? It was a minor thing but it really bothered me for some reason. Joan shouldn't have been gone the entire episode. Kitty and Gregson

This writer has an obvious bias against Aaron Sorkin and it's evident all over this review. I thought tonight's episode laid a lot of groundwork for the end of the series and I'm looking forward to it. As to previous comments, how dumb is it to base your entire opinion on a show based off one review on one website?

I don't get all the praise for the first season of AHS. It's my least favorite to date. I only kept with it because I love Zachary Quinto and Connie Britton.

You're totally wrong about Heroes. The second season struggled because of the writer's strike which made the storyline in feudal Japan last way longer than it should have. I really enjoyed the carnival in season 4 and was disappointed that it ended on such a cliffhanger with Claire revealing herself on live TV. I hope