
Yep. The world needs a collective lesson on gender identity and gender presentation.

I platinum’d too! I think it was on my 6th NG...I had a friend who I swapped gear with so we could knock it out faster. DS was such an amazing game, the combat was soooo tight and the lore amazing. I still remember the first time I entered the Tower of Latria or spoke with the Knight of Boletaria. I haven’t played the

Christ, don’t be sorry. I started with Demon’s Souls day one in the US.

I’ve -never- looked back.

I understand (though I do not agree with) the complaints surrounding Dark 2 and 3, but I enjoyed them all.

That said, the central thrust of this article holds true: nothing will ever be Demon’s Souls again, for me. The

You’ll never forget your first Demon’s Souls experience, you mean. Right?

I’m that guy. Sorry. I loved Demon’s Souls. And it was definitely my first “Souls” experience, one like no other before it. I know it was PS3-only, but I’ll never forget the first time I played it, even the smells I remember. I obsessed over

Who doesn’t like The Shocker? The Shocker is AWESOME! Superior Foes of Spider-Man for LIFE!

I love C9, but this is kinda a bullshit move. Moving Hai down is one thing, as he has been considered a mentor for the team for a while. Jensen throws a LOT of credit Hai’s way, and we know that the team itself plays way worse without him.
But stacking Balls and Rush on top of him just sounds like stacking a challenger

Even at those specs you aren’t really talking 4k on a lot of games, but you are talking a better chance of 1080p at 60hz with enough post processing that it will still look good on a 4K panel.

I’m so sorry your SHIFT key is broken...and that you’re going to miss out on some great new games like the new Ratchet & Clank.

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

Perhaps he was caught up singing the hit track from The Little Mermaid, “Honda the Sea”.

Not to be outdone (but still hopelessly cute):

Now playing

Given the current political climate, it seems that anything left of far right is “unpopular” opinion.