
not to mention spiked clubs. you see someone on the street with a cape and spiky club just walk in the opposite direction.

the eyebrows do look kind of glued on, odd design choice. nothing to do with her Latina ethnicity or thin body type, I’m just not sure what type of human eyebrow that’s supposed to represent.

“as you see in the photo there, it’s one count for every teammate,” oh ok for every teammate, right that’s what I’m seeing...

hilarious isn’t the word, I wouldn’t be surprised if larry Wilmore did a set of off the mark race jokes at any venue. cringe inducing annoyance is kind of his trademark I guess it’s not for me.

even ffxiii which we can agree was streamlined to a state of critical perfection that all but plays the game for you, if you attack an enemy that’s close to dying you wont have allocated those resources to attacking another target resulting in one or more “turns” passing during the time it takes to move to the next

the gba version doesn’t look or sound nearly as good with everything “updated”. If you’re annoyed that your characters cant attack the air next to the already dead enemy you told them to attack and hit a useful target maybe direct them properly next time. I guess you’re losing efficiency in fast forward mode but talk

oh so not rape rape but a deer in headlights freeze up, yeah sounds like a crummy experience. Id be like damn it, I should have said something. cant tell you how many times some bitch is steamrolling me in a conversation and I just don’t say anything then they’re like what that was no big deal, verbal abuse get out of

I just tried this on at the mall do I look retarded? great I have to go back to the mall. couldn’t decide if I wanted short sleeves or long they convince me I can just roll them up and its the best of both worlds.

starting to think they aren’t going to release anything else for the u...other than this in 2017

maybe we would take women more seriously in the workplace if we had a woman president, pay gap and all that they’re always yammering about. on the other hand here’s an option we could not have our first woman president pie in the sky sanders has my attention right now. that would be cool too after all demographic

kellogs smorz what the hell is that? rice krispies treats cereal, wasn’t really aware of that either to be completely honest and always have felt reeses puffs were terrible. krave cereal would dominate this god tier and has had commercials for long enough for us to recognize its existence.

wow you didn’t say you did all that without dying, for ng+ run I mean I have other games I’m playing, I don’t see why I have to play extra hard to comment on normal.

should all difficult games have an easy difficulty? would dark souls sell more copies if it had an easy mode? would you be more or less interested in the witness if there was a way to make the puzzles easier? isn’t there some compromise in adding an easy mode to a hard game? i can’t get through ghosts and goblins

the dash shield upgrades gave all the invincibility frames anyone should really need. to me its a game about overcoming challenge you kind of chip away at the core of the title if you can just dash around freely without a concern for where youre going.

why we have to compromise the difficulty of a demanding title for a vocal minority of crybabies is beyond me, it was pretty fair and enjoyable before the patch. seems like the slightest bit of frustration is enough to spark “gamer” protests. cant imagine these people trying to play the first Zelda which is a lot

for the record chrono cross is incompatible with ps3. the first few hours will work ok though. ff vi is going to have quite a few crashes as well but it’s playable.

for the record chrono cross is incompatible with ps3. the first few hours will work ok though. ff vi is going to

it would be a lot to spend on a ps4 for marginal upres for uncharted but I suppose the 1% of the market that has a 4k tv and does most of their gaming on ps4 will be very interested in this much more expensive sony console. that and ive had my fill of endless waves of bad guys and easy puzzles if there was another

hi can you act like less of a cunt please and thanks!

lol pretty sure someone already said exactly that, gonna be here all day if I keep dismissing every annoying jackass

I disagree it’s a step too far, and I didn’t like it. we all know to expect secret endings but I didn’t and yeah I have played everything in the series you could probably say something insulting because I don’t remember everything about the endgame. jesus fuck you people are obnoxious. also I really don’t recall any