
You attacked my character (calling me a racist troll) instead of addressing the substance of my arguments. How is that not ad hominem. You really need to read some books. Don't just read the wikipedia article and parrot whatever superficial arguments you gather from This American Life, The Colbert Report, and your

How many of Charles Murray's publications have you read cover to cover? Here's an idea: read a book.

You mischaracterize her argument completely. I'll save you the back and forth and recommend you google search this issue. Far smarter people than I have refuted your arguments over and over again.

So who gets the protection of "civil rights"? Only people you agree with? What value is the First Amendment if it does not protect different and unpopular beliefs? What value does it have if the Establishment Clause is read to negate the Free Exercise Clause? SPLC can oppose the positions taken by the ACLJ and

If you think Hirsi Ali is a hater akin to a Klan member, you are too far up your own ass to see daylight.

You really should listen to Sam Harris's interview with Charles Murray. Murray has been unfairly maligned by people who haven't read his work.

White supremacists like Aayan Hirsi Ali?

Historically, the SPLC was a force for good. Today, it is vastly overinclusive in labeling bigots, threatening its credibility.
The best example is its horrible treatment of Aayan Hirsi Ali and Maajid Nawaaz.…

I wouldn't say "excuse," I would say humanize. We can demonize people who make racist jokes. Or we can recognize that all people are flawed.

His Cosby stuff is hilarious. "People say the worst part about Cosby is the hypocrisy. But I say the worst part is the multiple rapes."

I refuse to go to the Satanic Black Mass. I can worship Satan just as well on the golf course; I don't need to be in a stuffy old Satanic Temple.

Thomas Madden - The Decline and Fall of Rome, Lecture 13
The Beatles - Every Little Thing
The Beatles - Penny Lane
The Wiggles - 12 Days of Christmas
The White Stripes - Blue Orchid
The Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
Talking Heads - Take Me To the River
Arcade Fire - Half Light II
Wilco - War on War
Death Cab for Cutie - Stable

I heard GRRM went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.

The main theme from the trailer sound like a synth version of "Tubular Bells" from the Exorcist. Great song for a movie about the goddess of death.

RK: "There's an old saying, "if there's grass on the field, play ball. If there's no grass, play in the dirt."
T: "I don't think that's an old saying."

The first thing I thought after reading this article was: "This is why Trump won."

It's not quite a mop, it's not quite a puppet, but man (*laughs*)…so to answer your question, I don't know.

When a fire starts to burn
There is something you must learn
Something something, then you'll see
You'll avoid catastrophe.