
I guess you didn’t read the part about only performing exorcisms after exhausting all medical and psychological explanations via multiple tests and evaluations from several experts.

Quel moment pour être en vie!

Littlefinger will sit on the Iron Throne.

No one who speaks German could be an evil man.

Going to flag you for engaging in reasoned discussion. Please commence emotive polemic. Reasoned discussion is practically hate speech around these parts.

Before you dismiss this, maybe people should try it first.

You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this Emoji gets biz-zay!

America has continued to be "weird about the South" since GWTW. Why do you think Trump—a guy born in NYC, lived in the North all his life, etc.—is sentimental towards Confederate monuments? It is not active racism (maybe latent racism or indifference to racism). The "loyal opposition"/Lost Cost mythos of the South

Hollywood cares about one thing only: MONEY. The "Lost Cause" myth was so popular in this country (north and south) that Birth of A Nation and Gone with the Wind were hugely profitable films. GWTW was the highest grossing of all time (adjusted for inflation).

Lousy constitution.

An "unplugged" version of Antichrist Television Blues could've been on Nebraska.

Don't be too hard on her. Your mother loves you very much.

What a great question! I'd probably have to answer today. Life expectancy, technology, etc. have really advanced the standard of living for all Americans (even those with flat incomes). Relative to the past, women and minorities have greater civil rights. There's more freedom of choice than ever before. Right now is


It is highly likely that the vast majority of men who served in WWII shared beliefs almost identical to those of the alt-right.

Capitalism produces wealth and ends poverty. More people have been removed from extreme poverty thanks to Capitalism than any other human effort. Thank God for capitalism.

Despite your best efforts, you are a thought criminal. Heresy! Heresy!

I'm sure a huge percentage of the men who gave their lives to fight the Nazis shared opinions close to those of the alt-right protestors in Charlottesville. It doesn't make their fight any less heroic.

Yes, Adolf Hitler and Charles Murray are the same! Wow, you really need to get on those books. Read something. It will be good for you.