
Trump to Littlefinger: "Call me when you get your throne."

"This is ludicrous, and pathetic." This is not an argument.

You are missing the point. Of course a mother in your hypothetical is begging for God to save her child's life. But this cannot be properly understood as asking God to change his mind. A believer is asking God for something, but only if it is in accord with his will. The believer needs to understand the nature of

You're always welcome back, any time!

Unfortunately, the birth rates of atheists are well below replacement rate, whereas the most conservative religious types (Quiverfull, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Mormons, Traditional Catholics) are having many, many more children. Maybe the religious will inherit the earth?

Well, according to St. Paul, as a fulfillment of the Law, Jesus isn't concerned about dietary restrictions any more (except for eating meat sacrificed to other gods or drinking blood). Catholics use unleavened hosts; Orthodox use leavened.

They are not mutually exclusive. God has a plan, and that's it. God doesn't "change his mind." The purpose of prayer is to have a relationship with a personal God. Petitions to God demonstrate love of God. You're supposed to hope that your will coincides with his will. God is not Santa Claus.

So, the greatest gift is sacrificial love?! Who writes this stuff?

This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Martin plays "My Dinner with Andre, the Arcade Game."…
For the record, EWS is a masterpiece.

Dems just don't have the ability to do boredom. They think politics is like a movie. You do some dramatic protest and things change. Or doe charismatic hero with a heart of gold wins and changes America. Obama was a truly special and unique hero. But heroes like Obama are few and far between.

"Long history of anti-government insurrections"— I'm not sure I get your point. The USA was founded through an anti-government insurrection. Also, if you read a history of Eastern Europe, which was ravage first by the Soviet Union, then by Nazi Germany, then by the Soviets again, an "anti-government insurrection"

You need to buy a dictionary.

Yes, the media has no power whatsoever.

Stochastic terrorism: ex. "That left wing nutjob who shot all those GOP congressmen was a result of stochastic terrorism."

Genocide? QED.

You can't compare the two in good faith. Trump's statement clearly intended to state that illegal aliens result in drug crime and rapes. In the sense of "take Trump seriously but not literally," he intends to address crime caused by illegal immigrants. Criticize his hamfisted rhetoric as inaccurate, over-inclusive,

This comment reads like bad propaganda from Ingsoc.

This rhetoric goes a little far, doesn't it?

You must not have been listening well. The Catholic Church doesn't teach a literalist interpretation of Creation.

I can't see you through the Overton Window. It's shifted so far to the right.