
America has a manipulated market system. People who pay for private insurance get the Mercedes of health insurance. All the possible tests, treatments, cures, etc. This system worked, but created problems: (1) people with pre-existing conditions couldn't be covered under the system because they produce additional

After 20 years of liberalism, Ronald Reagan ushered in a conservative revolution that has lasted 30 years and will continue for the foreseeable future. Even Bill Clinton and Obama were fairly centrist when compared to the 1960s/70s.

It's probably more like 40%. And there are more like us around the world. Look at Brexit, Marine Le Pen, etc.

To be fair, the Left is in its own echo chamber as well. Whether it's cable news or social media, very few people seek out differing perspectives.

As a Trump voter myself, I think Obamacare was a disaster because it did nothing to address the most important piece of healthcare reform—skyrocketing premiums. The middle class (who pays for their insurance) cannot afford double-digit increases in premiums. This was a critical design flaw: healthy young individuals

Obama delayed the implementation of Obamacare multiple times, especially the individual mandate. What's good for the goose…

Whoa, whoa. WVA was never "liberal." It was union, FDR democratic.

I disagree with you. SJW doesn't mean anti-racist, anti-homophobic, feminist. It denotes someone who cannot accept viewpoints that are even mildly out of step with liberal orthodoxy and attacks and silences these voices. Look at any college for multiple examples. Speakers being disinvited, protesters disrupting open

Tired: Newtonian physics
Wired: Flat earth
Inspired: Geocentrism

All of these so-called referenda on Trump are nonsense. No one who votes Republican would ever consider voting Democratic in this climate (and vice versa). The margin for "undecided" voters is remarkably small. What wins elections is turnout. As long as Rs see every election as a Siege of Vienna, nothing Trump can do

Big deal. I just listened to this in a FEMA camp.

One can only imagine how many slides scenes were in the films of 1930s Germany or Soviet Union. I haven't seen any, so I'm going to assume quite a few?

Seriously, the fact that class bias against rural Walmart shoppers is so widely accepted baffles me.

I get it that we don't like Walmart. But the same criticisms can be lodged at Amazon. It's just Jeff Bezos and Amazon are tech and therefore "cool." Walmart is white trash. This type of reporting reflects an aesthetic and class bias.

Amazon is just as evil. Probably worse.

Really disheartening reporting. Walmart is evil, but Amazon is fine? Amazon is destroying the entire retail sector and is putting people out of business left and right. Amazon will probably put Walmart out of business.

Adam, your show, which has attempted to "ruin" cultural practices and institutions, has had zero effect on said practices/institutions. Shouldn't your show be called "Adam Ruins Not Much Really"?

The Capitol records versions of the Beatles catalogue is awesome.

I can't stand much of post Beatles Paul. Aside from a few bright spots (Maybe I'm Amazed, most of Ram), he is a cloying mess. I like to think he needed John's bitterness to balance his sweetness.