
It’s been a decade-plus of him ruining America and he still won’t shut up and go away.

Yep, she was in line right behind the big huge manly men who weep giant manly tears because Trump saved America.

In slow motion

The fact that Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong are starring in this indicates that they are going to rip Trump a new one. They are going to absolutely skewer his criminal ass. 

I’ve never seen a photo of Trump that could be even generously described as “flattering.” He’s a gross old pig and always has been.

Looking forward to the Snyder Cut, which is just two hours of Dan gargling Trump’s shriveled, old balls.

That’s a great little manifesto of a letter.

The only person I ever wanted to be when I grew up was Steve Albini. What a loss. 

The cranky bastard. I’ll miss him.

And/or how he’s a giant fraud who’s been pretending to be a billionaire to get morons to trust him.

Gonna be a TALL order to adapt this.

Yes, but do they recognize them as either unfunny or as dickbags? 

It’s 24 “carrot” comedy!

No one can or should be expected to do that.

I find it hard to believe Ron Schneider can put together 50 minutes of any material, to be honest.

I’ve had a conversation with a con that started with him stating “conservatives are less easily offended by libs”. Within 1 minute he has already said 3-4 different types of jokes were off limits.

Schneider has not returned The A.V. Club’s request for comment.”

Fat, dumb and so racist that Republicans say ‘Hey, maybe that’s a bit too racist!’ is no way to go through life, son.