What does that matter? The girl didn’t want to be pregnant
What does that matter? The girl didn’t want to be pregnant
I mean, you don’t have to blindly have faith in me or in your religion. Didn’t the Judeochristian God give you free will? Isn’t that weird that you use that free will to....blindly listen to others and follow their scripture exclusively?
Lol fuck your bible verse, dicknose.
Really wish we could come up with a different name for these entitled white chicks. I know a few very kind and decent Karens, none of whom hate Mexicans like this bitch.
Except your squad.
In US politics, CRT is to racial justice what socialism is to economics.
It’s extremely telling when these people claim that discussion of extraordinarily racist actions from years past are somehow direct personal attacks against them. No one tells on himself like a conservative.
LOL. Like “woke”, these people have never been able to tell anyone what critical race theory actually is. It’s hilarious if they actually think the message is “Your white ancestors did something really bad, so you’re really bad.” On the other hand, I feel like anyone dumb enough to take that lesson from the Tulsa…
“That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals.”
“I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist,”
And yet we all continue to be born without any fucking clothes on.
Can we get over this puritanical policing nonsense already? It’s so played out.
A university doesn’t have real diversity when it simply assembles students who look different but come from similar backgrounds and act, talk and think alike.
Put a goatee on him and the right will claim its a false flag operation carried out by John Fetterman.
The attacker, with his blocky form, cargo shorts and human thumb head shape, looks like an off duty cop. The only thing missing is the goatee. No wonder the cops can’t seem to find him.
You talk like a traitor. Where were you on January 6, 2021? Are you in jail now?