
The only real ethical position is to be an anti-natalist, but that’s too real for most people.” Like Muslims? :D :D :D

As far as mass immigration problems, ‘If you don’t set up a structure to supply them with education and jobs’ — yeah the issue here is that people don’t want to give them jobs because racism.”

you don’t get to simultaneously claim that we need to have more babies to fill open jobs AND that we if we...

I gotta throw one flag here: The people who died on the hajj aren’t ‘religious zealots,’ they’re ordinary Muslims...” :D :D :D You actually think there’s a difference! :D :D :D
You don’t have to be Muslim or religious at all” to want to “die on the Hajj”? :D :D :D What are you smoking, Sparky...? :D :D :D
Take your

I kind of hope the House of Illuminati randomly reappear...”

I get the distinct impression you parrots think that A.V. Club sucks— but are entirely too FAGGOTY to LEAVE! :D :D :D :D

“’Desert-like soils’ has been floating around in my head for years now.”

So, I’ll ask this question for the millionth time (even though I know I’ll never get a straight answer)...

I scrapped with Hassenger a bit a few days ago...” Oh, keep pretending you’re not just another AVC fag. :D :D :D :D

I think the average sentence in this review is around four lines long, and challenge the writer to diagram any one of them.” Long sentences just make your poor wit-tle brain hurt, don’t they, beefhead? :D :D :D

I kind of like it, in terms of the writing. As information to decide whether or not to see a movie it’s terrible but the display of verbal gymnastics to avoid imparting either facts or opinions is almost worth the time spent.” I kinda love seeing people spend their time endlessly bitching and moaning about A.V. Club—

I used to write reviews for a little street-press in my home town,” and now you attend group-therapy circle-jerk sessions in A.V. Club— congratulations!

“I’m all for enthusiasm and passion in a written piece, but there are fundamentals of article/review writing that should always hold true, like coherence.”

“Yeah, exactly.” Wow, you really can’t get through a second or two without a sentence fragment, can you, editor...? :D :D :D :D

I’m the head editor for a content writing agency in real life...” The “real life” part— is very reassuring. :D :D :D

... Let’s hope it’s not strictly what you get— from The A.V. Club and The Guardian.

“The greatest unwritten rule in Hollywood is you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, even if that hand is attached to a scumbag... So I always take it with a big grain of salt when an actor trips over their feet rushing to praise a director they just worked with, and who is now the subject of allegations.”

That totally negates The Conversation, The Cotton Club, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather movies, and (yes) Peggy Sue Got Married.

“The criticisms I’ve read, are that Coppola didn’t seem to know what he was doing.” So they must be true, right? :D :D :D I don’t think you quite know what you’re doing— with complete sentences. :D :D :D