
“No one is supporting Hamas (except the Israeli government),” he manages to type, before suggesting that actual facts are “conspiracy theories.”🙄

Go back to protesting at Starbucks.

It’s the Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators canard from the W. Bush era 2.0. This really is War on Terror hysteria all over again.” Nooo, you just can’t handle facts (fauxgressive).

You know the moment someone mentions decapitated babies I know they are full of shit.”

No, just terrorist sympathizers...

OK, Borat.

No nuance allowed in the Internets, I guess.” I guess not, when neither Gizmodo nor Jezebel made the slightest peep about the murders, sexual assaults, and tortures that occurred on October 7.

No, people who support/defend Hamas are terrorist sympathizers.

Try posting fewer slogans from your Starbucks “protests.” :D :D

Who needs deep reading when you’ve got an agenda?

Your brain cells have sailed (along with your clichés). :D :D :D

Anyways, I guess all those human rights organizations that call Gaza an open air prison and blame Israel for that or just antisemites.”

Please figure out how this website works. :D :D :D

The overwhelming majority of the 7+ million Palestinians living in areas controlled by Israel have done nothing wrong.” So many Internet psychics, so little time...



And when those people are NOT allowed to vote to replace that government...” WHOSE fault is that, Hummus lover?

What does it matter how many muslim vs. jewish vs. spaghetti monster states there are?” Thank you, political-pundit wordsmith. :D :D :D

“This is part of the Zionist strategy to erase Palestine. Zionists...” What a surprise: Mahfouz just keeps repeating the term “Zionist.”

How much more desperate can your “arguments” get...?