
lol,. Hamas went after military targets, too.” Wow, this is really how “political punditry” works in a Jezebel comment section— the terrorism apologies come with “lol”s.

Do you listen to yourself?” Do you, in between gaslighting and strawmanning? (Yes, I’ll be fair: no, you’re not the only one doing it here... :D :D)

I want the slaughter of civilians to stop,” so you just recently started virtue signaling like crazy in a Jezebel comment section?

[Emphasis added]: “When I’m attacked I kill thousands and thousands of people who had nothing to do with it.” Naw, you’re way, way, way too busy trying to kill the truth...

Wikipedia citations?

I think what’s counterproductive to promoting peace is killing more children in one month than have been killed in all conflicts around the globe since 2019.” Then go talk to Netanyahu about it or— better yet— have a very nuanced, progressive, humanitarian discussion on the subject with the leaders of Hamas. Get back

For those of you keeping score at home, this is at least the third (repeat: third) concern-trolling, virtue-signaling, fauxgressive-indulging article that Jezebel (a supposedly feminist website) has done about poor, poor Rashida Tlaib since October 7th.

Israel refuses to entertain serious discussions with Hamas because they consider Hamas a terrorist group...” And you consider it to be-- what exactly?

Israeli officials have talked openly about not caring about maximizing damage rather than accuracy...” Je-sus, learn to speak English first. :D :D :D

Israel obviously should have known that decades of brutal and violent oppression would result in violent retribution by Palestinian militants. See how easy this is?” Can we easily see how desperately you want to avoid the word “terrorist”? Yes, we can.


I don’t give a shit about his music or the Hall.” And yet. :D :D

Son, stop feeding your own face with— whatever in god’s name it is you’re consuming... :D :D :D

The majority of Palestine supports Hamas, you moronic fucking fauxgressive.

Yuk yuk.

Like you ever had one...

These people are fighting BACK...”

Found any lizard people today?

You mean the terrorist group they voted for-- and regularly give the thumbs-up to...?