Learn how to strawman better, Internet psychic. :D :D :D
Learn how to strawman better, Internet psychic. :D :D :D
*Cough!* “Affordable housing”! *Cough, cough...*
My Adidas
Walk through concert doors
And roam all over coliseum floors
I stepped on stage, at Live Aid
All the people gave and the poor got paid
And out of speakers I did speak
I wore my sneakers but I’m not a sneak
My Adidas touch the sand of a foreign land
With mic in hand, I cold took command
My Adidas and me close as can be
“The fact is I don’t do hypocrisy, double standards and bullshit around these things.” Um, you just did whataboutism, red herrings, and some bootstrap B.S-in’. (Everything in your final-paragraph take is just fine, so— why undercut it...?)
The principles of mathematics tell me: in 1981, Seth Green would have been seven.
I mean, if you think comic books are either a plausible solution to or an accurate reflection of the current world’s problems in general, woe unto you.
Hey, journalists.
Dude, his choice of the middle number “3"—- proves he doesn’t even know which are the “good or bad” numbers. :D :D :D
Your absolute insistence on referring to an individual human being with plural pronouns is definitely gonna help in terms of mental health issues.
Your absolute insistence on referring to an individual human being with plural pronouns is definitely gonna help all those identity complexes.
Yes, Doctor Octopus is known for reaching.
“Perhaps Jezebel should direct our collective attention to Aries Spears and Tiffany Haddish since age differences are apparently a huge concern at Jezebvel...”
Jeff Klandry.
Guys, I’m sorry— but all the “they”s and “them”s do NOT make it sound like you’re really on board with an individual’s mental health.
Midnight’s Children is my favorite. Rushdie at his smoothest.