
Thank you! I just wanted to see a fulsome critique there, which you did indeed just provide. I don’t push any kind of ‘conspiratorial’ thinking, and it didn’t sound like you were out to either. (And sorry if I sounded too snarky before, but— wull, I am a ‘grey,’ and it does just kinda get to be a habit around here...

I didn’t say “plant.” (This ain’t The Manchurian Candidate! :D) I said “propagandist.” (You know— like somebody who might do “things that benefit Russia in general.”) Please note carefully who’s using what specific nouns/terms in a comment section.

“I mean, Harris had to drop out of the race shortly after that debate, but I guess you mean that Gabbard isn’t the president?” H-e-y. 👍:D :D Pop quiz: And who’s the current Vice President? :D :D :D

So, how come it’s illegal in India?

Don’t get me started... :D

“This week, Miller has been accused of shielding the whereabouts of the 25-year-old mother and her three children that were previously living them on their Vermont farm.”

With you all the way. (We can fit some more in there.) It’s (painfully) hilarious that some people— who don’t do their homework-- actually think a hardcore Hindu supremacist could ever, in any alternate reality, be “pro-weed.”

So, am I one of the few up in here who knows that Tulsi Gabbard is Hindu (hardcore)?

Have you forgotten her single-handedly dismembering Harris’ nomination bid?” :D Um, and how’d that work out for her? :D :D

Read up:

Um, you getting expelled from junior high? :D :D :D

Why can’t you get a life...? :D :D

The doodle pad argument: an ambulance chaser version of My dog ate my homework...

Um, James Brown wants his turn at the mic.


As usual, the all-too-buried lede is that he was sleeping with her when she was underage.

“The King” was fucking Priscilla when she was u-n-d-e-r-a-g-e. [See your final sentence.]

Would you have a country if you hadn’t stolen it...?

I am asking about this specific case strawmanning like there’s no tomorrow.

Why not get through life without meme “knowledge”...?