I would’ve slapped it to the bottom of an Amazon delivery truck or even better yet a semi that was from out of state.
Thats load bearing feces
Obviously unpopular take, but hear me out, and try to not flame the piss out of me. I’m happy to discuss, but don’t be a dick about it.
Anyways, this doesn’t change the fact in the slightest about your constitutionally protected right to protest. That’s actually termed “the right to peaceably assemble”. Peaceable…
There was a time in my young and dumb life that I got WAAAY more air than that off a railroad crossing in my hometown. In an ‘82 Subaru. Stuck the landings just fine.
Do. Not. Disparage. The Blues Brothers.
But enough about Nascar...
Just shoot the futures grandmothers a text message. Unceremoniously.
Dear Penthouse: It was a hot day in the summer. The mechanic’s blue shirt was unbuttoned an extra notch, showing glistening chest hair. His hands were the rough, strong hands of a working man as they shook mine and I looked into his grey eyes, steely as the tools he wielded.
If you zoom a little out though, it looks like it’s pooping out a smaller car.
Tony is an attorney from Philadelphia who has been slogging around in his 2003 Accord with 140,000 miles so he can…