
I’d walk over you to see the Who.

It’s always fun to add the “= 16" in the dirt.

Pining for the fjords. :(

I loved my 1st gen toaster. I’d still have it if it didn’t turn into a box of rust.

My 1st car was a 66 Chevy Caprice. Under the steering wheel cap was usually a nickle bag of a leafy green substance.

I used a no parking sign as the new floor under the driver’s seat in my 69 Pontiac. much better than the original.

Also, try not to drive with turtles in the car. Had one crawl under the pedals and had a heck of a time getting it out of there.

Could have bought a rust free 64 e-type FHC for 4K. Couldn’t scrape the money together.

I once bought a 66 rambler for $80. It was so rusty, the front fenders had holes in the top of them and every time I went through a puddle, crap flew onto the windscreen. The interior was perfect and very comfortable - which is why I kept it for 2 years. The 232 inline six had a self changing oil feature, but wouldn’t

don’t use a crow bar to pry off the head. stuff a length of closeline down the sparkplug hole of #1 and bump the motor over with the starter. the head will usually pop right off.

I drive my 49 Chevy 3600 flatbed regularly

I remember the BMW M1's at Watkins Glen in 1979. The sound of those things at speed gave me goosebumps!

How about a Pinto with touchy brakes? Too many lawyers.

Will they sell these at Horrible freight with all of the other Chinese crap?