
Right after I hit “publish” on that thing I thought to myself “do they even make Zima anymore???” I be old.

There is a difference between having an opinion and asking people who have no connection to the issue at hand to give their uneducated and inexperienced opinion. By asking and then broadcasting Tortorella’s opinion, ESPN is making Tortorella an expert on this situation.

That context is meaningless

Take a stand for something I believe strongly in or play in a worthless exhibition tournament in early September.

No way dude.

My favorite pastime is slowing becoming looking to people in professional sports leagues to calibrate my moral compass. Thank god for someone like John Tortorella who I hadn’t heard of until 5 minutes ago.

Wouldn’t that merit an immediate response from the player’s union, complete with fines and/or suspension?

What does his son’s military deployment have to do with race based police brutality within the US?

Honor America by forfeiting your First Amendment rights!

He didn’t know he was his kind of asshole.

Yeah, I guess it’s also worth mentioning that Tortorella is an asshole who’s worn out his welcome everywhere he’s went.

But Kaepernick’s stance has nothing to do with the military. Any connection to the military in this whole controversy is a straw man invented by his critics.

To be fair, most hockey players staunch the bleeding and get back on the ice after a police shooting.

He just got the all-important Curt Schilling seal of approval. Hope it works out better for Torts than it did for Rhode Island.

“Hey John, you’re not a football coach, have no ties to the San Francisco 49ers, never met Colin Kaepernick, never dealt with the San Francisco or Santa Clara police, have probably (I’m assuming) never been harassed by the police nor have had a family member or friend harassed by the police, coach a sport whose

At my Super Bowl party next year, I will require that everyone at my house stand during the national anthem. I’m already excited about the arguments that will ensue.

Yes, if there’s someone who knows not to create a spectacle that undermines the collective, it’s John Tortorella.

Dave Stewart and Tony LaRussa have no idea what they’re doing

Ron Swanson would have sooner kept his own son locked in a dark dungeon than name him “Dansby.” There is no relation, which is why Dansby Swanson is not a football player. Or a professional wood chopper.

I say, cracking good show, Dansby! Huzzah and ballyhoo!