
Speaking of a waste of time....what was your original complaint, then? That a killer in a horror movie (aka ficitional charatcer) said something you needed to respond to?

From my last comment: “I don’t watch horror movies”.
So, uh...way to NAIL ME for not watching horror movies. You’re a real sleuth.

And an expert strawman creator...I can almost see the resemblance of some of my arguments in what you’ve attacked.

Why does it being the national team make a difference?

As someone all-for Kaepernick’s stance*, I’d argue such a protest would be all the more meaningful and appropriate. Kaepernick is just being asked to be a guy standing during the anthem. Someone on a national team is being asked to symbolically represent this

Are you accusing Tortorella’s son of participating in the racist policing in this country?

Just the goalies would be the best/funniest scenario. But really any way to call this guy’s bluff.
Someone being benched for something like this would help the cause a lot more than it hurt it. Because at least someone the wishy-washy go-along-to-get-alongers would then see the coach as the one “over-reacting”.

So, you think the principle behind the First Amendment isn’t important...just the legality?

The comment isn’t about John’s take.

I don’t watch horror movies, so you may have a point. Still, given the description above, I think it’s a stretch to think we’re supposed to hear that opinion and say “Yes, this character is a voice of reason.” college...You OLD!

And yet even when basically correct, he still finds a way to be unlikable. That’s talent.

Literally (in the literal sense) every baseball person outside of AZ, almost every sportswriter, and the overwhleming majority of fans came to this conclusion about 8 seconds after the trade was announced.

Isn’t it kind of the point, that the villain is a piece of shit? And by uttering this piece of shit opinion we see that it is a villainous opinion, because it came from the villain. And that by uttering this horrible opinion we’re supposed to hate the villain more.

The villain of the movie uttered that line. Do you REALLY think that constitutes approval of this opinion on rape?