I’m pointing at the shit that is Gawker so go fuck yourself
I’m pointing at the shit that is Gawker so go fuck yourself
Its the lead on Deadspin
Don’t know came to Deadspin for sports not political bullshit. Thats my bigger question why is there political bullshit in the sports section.
Are political rallies even worth attending?
Hard to think of a most unimportant and useless thing then twitter
Wow how pathetic
I completely agree with Djokovic here. I watch both men’s and women’s tennis. It’s one of the only sports where the difference in size and strength doesn’t have a huge effect the quality of the match/game. However, men’s tennis is generally more enjoyable. If they bring in more money, then they should be paid more.…
Why didn’t the White Sox management do this in the offseason and avoid this whole thing. Instead they decided to lie about the whole thing to the media and the players. WTF
Seems they are more upset by being lied to by the team president. Which you seem fine with. But nice shitty take from Samer Kalaf.
Isn't Deadspin usually on the players' sides in instances like this? These LaRoche stories seem to all be in the tone unlike anything else on this site. And, now that we know it was in LaRoche's contract, it really is a fucked up situation.
Not a bad idea seen refs fuck this up at least twice in the last year.
This seems more related to the situation this past year with refs not recognizing a lineman who reported eligible for the Ravens and calling back a big gain. If anything, I think this is shade being thrown at the refs, rather than a serious proposal.
Considering the circumstances that this woman claims she was raped then later that same night willfully crawled into bed with the accused I’m going with false accusation. You just want to support another woman in her goal of independence through lawsuit. That’s fine. But if you’re raped then call the cops, have a rape…
this article and the comments prove why we have a legal system...
Note that this pair of questions implicitly proposes that there is a 50/50 chance that the accusations against Montague are false.
“Note that this pair of questions implicitly proposes that there is a 50/50 chance that the accusations against Montague are false.”
Since when is jerking off in public legal
There is no way chewing tobacco hurts anyone else. Let the person kill themselves how they want.