I’m pointing at the shit that is Gawker so go fuck yourself
I’m pointing at the shit that is Gawker so go fuck yourself
Its the lead on Deadspin
Don’t know came to Deadspin for sports not political bullshit. Thats my bigger question why is there political bullshit in the sports section.
Hard to think of a most unimportant and useless thing then twitter
Wow how pathetic
Why didn’t the White Sox management do this in the offseason and avoid this whole thing. Instead they decided to lie about the whole thing to the media and the players. WTF
Seems they are more upset by being lied to by the team president. Which you seem fine with. But nice shitty take from Samer Kalaf.
Not a bad idea seen refs fuck this up at least twice in the last year.
Since when is jerking off in public legal
Kenny Williams seems like a fucking dick head, But Laroche is friends with people that I don’t like their political views so. FUCKIN GAWKER
Looks pretty cool to me, But I don’t give a shit about the Redskins.
I tried the same lines with my parents when I got busted for weed at 16. Didn’t work for me either.