
Teaching high school is much different from teaching in college. Teachers in HS and college professors can both have difficulty keeping a discussion going, but if the class is not speaking it is seen more of the HS teacher’s fault and the college students’, not the HS students and the college professor.

I can admit that women struggle with modern dating. I think hookup culture is ideal for no one except for the most appealing people. I think that for everyone else, traditional dating culture is more beneficial, but i think the toothpaste might be out of the tube on that one. I do think that it is easier for women to

I truly think that there are more men who are deemed too ugly to date than women. I will never be surprised if a woman has a boyfriend, because after seeing so many hideous women with boyfriends, it is just not possible for me to be surprised if a woman has a boyfriend. I am frequently surprised if a man has a

If a girl scout ever did this and made the Speed reference, I would totally buy some extra boxes.

There are far more Freds than Frans. And Frans can hookup and date more easily than Freds. There are few women who are truly too ugly to snag a date. Tons of Freds. And if a man and a woman are truly ugly, it is almost always significantly easier for the woman to improve her physical appearance.

Hookup culture is similar to polygamy. It would be false to say polygamy is worse for men, but for men as a general group, polygamy is bad.

NRO is not entirely confined to Fran-Arnold hookups. It is entirely possible for men and women to be of comparable appearances, hookup, she blows him, he never speaks to her again, she feels humiliated.

“Then why are you complaining that men have it worse? “

I think that many women don’t know that a man is an asshole when they meet him, at first he just conveys his charm and confidence, which is often buttressed on being an asshole. Men behave differently when there are no women around, and women behave differently when there are no men around. If you asked a man, or a

Interesting point. When slavery and racism are treated solely as issues of the past, many white people are prone to think that those topics are over and have no effects today. When people say, “That was all so long ago in the past! Why does it matter now?” I usually say...

I regret bringing up non-reciprocal oral sex since it wasn’t a crucial point and people are really dwelling on it. Non-reciprocal oral sex counts as a hookup in most people’s books. And there are many women who enjoy this. Men also, but fewer. Yeah, if a woman wants to hook up with a man who is significantly more

Hi, thanks for agreeing with me. I notice you say, “I was an awkward girl,” so I hope that implies that things have changed for the better. It seems that you are agreeing with other people who disagree with me. unreciprocated oral sex counts as a hook up in most people’s books. I probably shouldn’t have brought it up

“So you think that because you’re a “Nice Guy” that automatically entitles you to have women sleep with you?”

If someone wants to buy cookies can you stop pulling the wagon, or does the wagon need to constantly be in motion?

Alright, you’ve convinced me. So after a breakup, we should all just cut off all of our friends and release our pets to the woods!

Dude, you’re in a lot of pain, and I can empathisize. I was really unpopular as a kid, was bullied. Halfway through college, I somehow became considerably better looking. That is a good thing, but I was so damaged from my childhood that I didn’t really know how to speak to women, even when they were clearly attracted

“Listening to a woman was the beginning of every meaningful intimate relationship I’ve ever had.”

Seriously? So can we all blame our friends for our breakups since they failed in keeping us together?

I think most people would say that it is much more accurate to say...