What are Joe’s chances of winning this one?
What are Joe’s chances of winning this one?
Yeah, these articles speak my language on wrestling a lot more than anything I could get from any of the wrestling sites. Bixenspan and McQuade have done a great job.
That is not the point. Wouldn’t you rather have Linder use the $150mil on the club instead giving it to the other 22 MLS franchise owners.
Waiting for the day that MLS has to either adapt Pro Rel or die. Unfortunately, I might die first.
Can something like this be a proof-of-concept for relegation in American soccer?
Yep when they pay $150 mil to get in. Easier if there was pro/rel and the $150 mil was used for the club and maybe a decent youth club system.
Can we just make USL into the MLS 2nd division instead? Please? The U.S Soccer federation should put some of that huge surplus towards that. It would finally bring relegation/promotion to MLS and if there are only 2 divisions fans wouldn’t jump ship like people fear they would. It would boost interest in MLS by a lot.
Things you can do and still play professional sports:
Our stadium at FIU has been upgraded and the field has just been redone for the NASL Miami FC and for our football team. Since the soccer seasons run at the same time pretty much, it would probably make more sense for the team to play at our stadium. The national team and the teams that come from overseas train on our…
I’m an Islanders fan, and I no one can tell me that the Nassau Coliseum wasn’t the best damn place to watch a playoff hockey game in the known universe. I say this only to say that that’s what the Nashville crowd reminds me of, and it makes my heart happy.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA David fucking Ortiz is calling someone arrogant and disrespectful?
I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.
This, combined with how triumphant the World Baseball Classic was this year, is incredibly encouraging for the future of baseball.
I just feel sad hearing this.
Haha, if Crosby had a fucking hangnail they’d postpone the game, lets be real
They don’t issue the death penalty for enabling child sex abuse over four decades. They don’t issue it for sheltering a team full of sexual predators. I think UNC’s gonna be fine.
“Bad for a while” undersells the Fire. They’ve been dead last in the league for two straight seasons, and have been patently boring while doing so. The stadium in Bridgeview is a lesson in bad public funding schemes on par with the NHL’s Coyotes in Glendale. The debt on the park has sunk the suburb so badly that, a…