The New York - New Jersey Metro Stars got bought by an energy drink company. Dude please they’re not the Cosmos.
The New York - New Jersey Metro Stars got bought by an energy drink company. Dude please they’re not the Cosmos.
I literally just showed this comment to my dentist mid-cleaning to explain why i couldnt stop laughing. Then he couldn’t stop. Miracle i still have teeth.
I fucking lost it at huricanrana.
Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.
As is the case with most of the norms that have been swallowed by the sea recently, this one’s erosion is exemplified by Donald Trump, but he is the culmination, not the cause.
Also a great post. If a club in Sacramento is capable of producing the best soccer players in the country they should be able to make their way to the top and compete with San Jose or L.A. Why punish the clubs that do it right just to line the pockets of MLS owners?
raul esparza is a very good actor
Thanks for reading, Ginger!
Name checks out...
“we all know that Oprah would probably be a great president”
That scene is the best cold open I’ve ever seen.
Make Your Own Kind Of Music remains burned in my skull.
“Hmm?” - The Wall Street donors that finance their party.
This is the right answer; the Democratic party has run from this confrontation for too long (for good reasons and bad) and it’s led us to this point. They have to embrace the fact that we’re in a class war already, and the richest 1% are winning. Frame it that way.
Well, certain Democrats/liberals have done that. The problem is that they immediately get buried by their neoliberal/DLC/3rd Way counterparts as being “unrealistic”, or “fringe”, who are “unwilling to work across the aisle.” Which, of course, is code for “don’t fuck with our donors.”