Slow clap for you. THATS the real story FFS. The fact the pearl clutching “What will the children think” people have infested a once beautifully diverse dick flashing, anything goes carnival of flesh. I hate everything.
Slow clap for you. THATS the real story FFS. The fact the pearl clutching “What will the children think” people have infested a once beautifully diverse dick flashing, anything goes carnival of flesh. I hate everything.
Monica Sodanksy
I do this for a living. Buy a thesaurus so you have 25 different words for the color “red”. And say “depth and texture” a lot. And if theyre total dicks, quote them a super high price aka “the asshole tax”.
I decorate old brahmin money houses in the Greater Boston area for the holidays.Its a little weird. Thefirst year I did it I thought that these society ladies were wicked busy with...whatever it is they do. But they literally hang out with me the whole time, asking how to tie bows, or if the cranberry velvet makes…
Fall River SUCKS too, so thats really overpriced
My mother-in-law retired from being one of the head pilgrims a few years ago(and yes, she’d stay in character when we’d go see her, and BONUS she would sometimes talk IN HER SLEEP in her pilgrim voice) New management came in a few years ago and have been mucking things up.They wanted to bring in a glassblower for…
I commute to Boston and NPR used to be my self soothing technique for the eternal hell that drive is. Now I drive in silence till my thought start to haunt me. Audio books it is!
I have a little side hobby Ive developed over the past few months where I go on buzzfeed, or other news sites where people post from their Facebook, and if there’s anyone who is posting clear as day racist bullshit I do a little fb digging and email screenshots to their employer. Its amazing what you can suss out!…
Some gravestone art! Getting into the “spirit” of the season(ugh that pun was that was so basic im suddenly wearing a red plaid shirt with a vest and knee high brown boots) Ive had the frames for years, Im trying to get through old supplies. Ive gotten really into silver leafing lately too, which ive decided is adult…
We call this the “asshole tax” in the wedding industry. You have a prosepective client that from the junp seems difficult or shady, we’d jack up the price and prayed theyd go somewhere else
Agreed. My in laws seemed SO NORMAL compared to some of the past parental units Id experiences. But no, they were the craziest. Secret crazy. Theyre the types to get drunk and bring up past grievances and someone ALWAYS cries. I have a great story about a butt crack shenanigan but on the off chance one of them reads…
Yes! I do big graffiti murals with paleolithic imagery, and I have dudes come up to me all swaggery, and Ill tell them “Oh they think it was mostly women who painted cave paintings!” Without fail, they respond “Well! We were too busy hunting OBVIOUSLY and had no time for silly paintings!” To which I reply “Well you…
Oooo yes, after my long stretch of depression I started working on a body of work that didnt sell for 2 years. I stuck with it and its now developed into a really successful series. Ive fallen into the trap of trying things out to see if people respond and abandoning it if no one did. That instant gratification felt…
I made a return to sewing extinct mega fauna of North America! I used merino wool, and he still needs eyes. I made them years ago in art school but only had access to acrylic felt(ew). This one is a chalicothere that was 6 foot tall knuckle walker with the head of a horse. I think they eventually became horses. I…
I had “mysterious” abdominal pain and for 6 WEEKS my dip shit Dr couldn’t figure it out. I have 3 pelvic exams, 2ultrasounds, they thought it was appendix, then gall bladder, then ovarian cysts. I was even told by a “Dr” in the ER “sometimes we dont know why women have abdominal pain” like thats a fucking answer. It…
Yes! Husband and I are artists, we run a gallery, and have a kid. Our schedules vary each week but we spend a lot of time working. Blue apron simplifies that aspect of our lives. We used to make fun of people we knew who used it, but its been a lifesaver quite frankly. I was thinking of trying hello fresh, but im…
glad I could brighten your shitty ass life! And no, ill never get a “grip” there Sweetie.
Im a female from the NorthEast and I will gladly step outside with this shit. Ill be sure the last thing he remembers is me standing over him with my foot on his neck, hissing “Whose the weaker sex now?”
Im so sorry about your brother. Its not your fault tho. You cant control what someone else does and honestly if he was doing opiates he wouldve found his way to H eventually. I say this as someone who did heroin for 5 years and have been 9 years sober. I didnt go to rehab, I just stripped my life completely of the…