Not to be confused with Russell Wilson, who finally got to see the shape of Future’s past.
Not to be confused with Russell Wilson, who finally got to see the shape of Future’s past.
The highlight for me was watching Jarrett Jack skip down the sideline after getting the assist to Porzingis.
Meanwhile, remains down from a coordinated denial of service attack.
Are you saying the minnow has been lost?
Oh, what a Knight
“This isn’t the me I want to die on,” said Jemele.
I’m surprised it’s not 90 minutes of “Aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí aquí.”
until Carrie Bradshaw literally dies of a broken hip (from fucking a young 25-year-old, obviously) (because “hey, what are kids in their 20s all about anyway? LOLOLOLolol horrible pun”)
This discussion can only have three true outcomes.
It is hard to grasp such a thing but it’s true, he really is named Bubba Derby.
My daughter’s mother and I will continue to co-parent to raise our child in a happy and healthy environment.
You know as I type this, I realize that I’m really only using 10% of my keyboard. I wonder what happens if tqhnuog njueasr crfe90i97546890u 34aw54e gt34dfgdh sdrtfy mnb 80 o9 wys kjughfbcvndrgfesb v,rtyubcvgre654816132564
Joke’s on him. Wentz uses direct deposit.
I dunno man, something is hard around here, amirite amirite amrite oh god please tell me I’m rite and good, I’m so alone in this world.
Maybe leaving the Knicks has changed ‘Melo after all. He’s even looking to help distribute.
He didn’t bring his wallet but fortunately he had a couple singles.
I don’t appreciate that comment, nor would he.
It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.
You still have Zoidberg! You all still have Zoidberg!!!
Much in the way I’m sure a homeless guy has a good laugh when a guy gets a meatball sub stain on his shirt at lunchtime.