
With few exceptions, the magazine industry is still operating as if it's circa Don Draper.

Within these magazines, there is often a realm—-food, fashion, other lifestyle—-in which the girls can run free and have a certain amount of autonomy, but the Important Feature Well is still the boys' domain. So you wouldn't consider giving a lifestyle lady such a serious assignment.

I'm a magazine editor and I can tell you that this article happened because New York, like most major general interest and city/regional magazines, is edited by the same crew of witty white guys who have always run magazines. They are chasing buzz (especially now) and confuse their own biases and blind spots for

British tacky is its own special snowflake version of tacky, albeit several thousand miles to the right of Russian tacky.

Wow. This is worse than "Friday," but with 100% more ass.

This story comes just in time for my high school reunion.

Crownofstars, have you seen the book Half Baked by Alexa Stevenson? She had an experience very close to yours. It's a great read.

She looks amazing. But it occurs to me that with those tattoos, she'll be able to track her aging process by watching her boobs creep down toward the ink. Aw, but who am I kidding? She's rich and famous! Too fabulous to sag.

Are you willfully dense? For the purposes of this discussion, I am talking about plastic surgery as it relates to women and aging. I am not talking about the entire scope of plastic surgery. Is that clear enough? I don't need to account for trans folks and gay men in this particular conversation. But thanks for

That's rich! The best defense is always a good offense, so you accuse me of being heterosexist and cis-gendered!

You have moved me zero percent. First of all, I said that orthodontia is a capitulation to classism but I'm less troubled by it because both men and women get it in equal measure. Did you read that part? You could have saved yourself that whole first paragraph.

But do we have to lie and pretend that it's NOT giving in when it so plainly is? Fine, you want the privileges that come with conforming to the beauty culture. You want everyone to think you're pretty (and I can't even with the "It's about what I think when I look in the mirror" bullshit as if you came up with this in

Was that a genuinely awkward moment with Fred or just a joke that fell a little flat?

I think the line for me is that normal aging is increasingly becoming pathologized until it is widely seen as a "disease" that must be "treated." I thought the point of feminism was to liberate us from our slavery to the beauty culture.

THANK YOU. I'm so fucking disappointed in Millennial choice "feminism."

Misleading headline. They weren't consulting a reproductive endocrinologist to pursue IVF. They were just finding out if it would be possible and/or safe for her to try and conceive naturally.

I respect that he's trying to distance himself from his father's wealth, but I'm less convinced by his attempt to distance himself from his father's race.

Two thoughts: Imagine being a stylist entrusted with the flesh and wardrobe of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. And imagine fucking it up! Holy shit! You'd never work again.

I read Emma Stone's words and I think, "Sure, easy for you to say in your crop top Thakoon at the Met Gala." She can criticize the hateful body culture we live in, but she also plays right into it, enjoying the privilege that comes from her model-thin frame and attending a gala that glorifies the same fashion industry