Tyler John

Think of it as boiling a frog by increasing the water temperature one degree at a time over a long time period, by the time the frog realizes its boiled its too late.

I hear what you’re saying, and I agree. But I still think that some of the verbiage we’ve used has been alarming and aggressive to the Chinese. It’s now a big reason, or even excuse to expand their military....and to continue building more and more islands. Their pace appears to have picked up quite a bit as of late.

At some point, Taiwan will recognize geopolitical reality when it becomes obvious that:

China is depending on the passage of time to assimilate Taiwan via osmosis. When Taiwan is well and truly surrouneded, and the old hardline guys are a could generations dead (say, 2060), at that point, there will be an overture for coordination and cooperation.

Why did we announce to the world (China) that we’re pivoting to Asia (China)? Is it just me, or does it seem like they’ve accelerated their military expansion since that boneheaded announcement...

The total answer is in a long time coming, always half-done white elephant post of mine called Netcentric Warfare 2.0. I want to finish it once and for all this summer.

Show off... what do you reckon, you’re a writer or sumthin..

Chatham Harrison’s reply below is a well put and accurate answer, although it remains a partial one. The total answer is in a long time coming, always half-done white elephant post of mine called Netcentric Warfare 2.0. I want to finish it once and for all this summer. But just a few things to add to Chatham’s post-

“Extreme militarization”? You’re a fucking dunce that’s too busy parroting bywords than to actually figure out what the deal is. Less than 0.5% of the country is in uniform. Numbers of actual combat veterans in society are at some of their lowest in 100 years. The military KNOWS what it’s doing. It’s the politicians

Russia probably knew way before Tyler.

They landed in daylight and the post contains a video of it. Is your conjecture that Tyler filmed this himself and that all the other people who saw it land have had their minds blanked men in black style. We released this you know on purpose.

This. Exactly.

Putin is just doing some geopolitical dick waving, but playing into his hands like that would be the worst thing to do. Last thing we need is a real shooting war with Russia, even a broken Russia.

Will your debut album appear on my iPhone after I install iOS 9?

Guns? These 5lb weights were kicking his ass.

Indeed, they have [Redacted] so that they can [Redacted].

Had a long response typed out and deleted it, all I really want to say is that this is extremely unsettling.