Tyler John

TJ, here's the other side of the coin. While the US is focused on Eastern Europe, and all that entails, the Chinese are scurrying around Asia building an even bigger sphere of influence (whether everyone who borders the South or East China Sea want to or not). Meanwhile, the US is mired in the Middle East trying to

What would be the reaction if Russia sent a Tu-95 Bear squadron and some Flankers to Cuba “for training purposes”?


^All I did was google “scared robot”

This sensor array looks like the top half of a robot throwing his hands over his head in surprise and alarm. It just does.

Maybe the kid was trying to do a gritty alternate history set in the mid 1980s?

It’s kind of ironic that the horse calvary is being overflown by helicopters named after Indian tribes: Apache, Blackhawk, and Chinook. But in a way, it’s also a sign of respect for the Native American warriors’ fighting spirit.

Go nuts!

Honestly I wasn’t trying to argue with you specifically — more of an interjection into the overall conversation. You were just a convenient point to hit “reply” :)

Nope, not wrong. I was referencing US statistics about guns, availability and misuse - definitely not comparing us to the rest of the world. It’s almost impossible to compare the US with other countries as you say, the variables are too great (as are the historical usages of firearms in a given country). I’m all for

We have a significant problem with car violence in this country but I don’t see anyone crying for more car training, or more car restrictions, or more car laws.

You’re all wrong, sorry. Arguing over the wrong variable.

Or you could just buy some half inch AR500 plate that will stop a .50 BMG round.

The “kneejerk” response was specifically what you said. It’s been disproven by statistics and yet it persists in comments like yours. And people keep saying it, regardless of the facts. Every discussion about guns in America brings out people like you (seemingly well meaning, but clueless) and comments like yours.

Gun laws have little effect on gun violence in either direction. We’re just an incredibly violent society.

Factually not correct. To dispute this, one merely needs to look in this country where laws are stricter. Strangely enough, that’s where the most violence is. But thanks for bringing up another kneejerk response, always needed for balance in these kind of conversations.

“Of course, treating the mentally ill isn’t anywhere near as sexy as more guns for the sheriff and more gun laws.”

Yes, this here.

Police then used a robot to ensure the driver was dead and to inspect the vehicle