So happy to see this piece.
So happy to see this piece.
Considering that climate models said it would all be gone by now, and it isn’t, far from it, then it does seem prudent to continually invest in them. Additionally, the climate models (which are more of an educated guess) specifically refer to there being no ice in the SUMMER. In the winter, you will always have ice…
I understand how NATO works, I was referencing the devout belief everyone has that a Russian attack is imminent, when it makes little sense when looked at from a political, tactical, or economic perspective. Most main players like France and Germany do not wish to have a war, and are trying to take a more diplomatic…
If the continued escalation keeps up, yes. The issue is, as always, each side sees themselves as righteous
The U.S. Has continually approached their airspace as have the Russians (not nearly as much as we have until recently). There is also a differenc between sending some planes for training for a few days and permanently basing them. Also a difference in sending them over there for training infrequently as opposed to…
It is difficult to draw straight parallels with each country. Russia has the disadvantage of having a larger force than the U.S. Early in the Cold War, that put them in a very bad position in the 80s to early 2000s of having too many things aging too fast to replace them, that’s why vehicles like the ISU-152M were in…
I would love to know that to. One thing a lot of people seems to forget when they are modeling European countries as perfect economies (Switzerland is a common one) is that most rely on the U.S. For defense. I do wonder how different those economies would be if they didn't have the big NATO players to rely on
Hopefully no cicadas were harmed...
I have never been much for Business Insiders take on Russia, they are the ones who keep making pretty ridiculous claims about Russia, such as the F-35 being more maneuverable than the PAK FA because it comes in 3 variants.
Actually, I think it is the other way around. The U.S. Never really cut back from the Cold War. We are focusing on building up a force in Europe, the Western Pacific, while trying to sort out conflicts in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, upon that, the we are trying to build more ships that are expensive and we are still…
Pretty much every NATO force east of France would be flattened. Contrary to what the American media says, we are almost alone in wanting to escalate tensions with Russia (the UK does as well). Most Baltic states are very poor and happy about the prospect of getting a blank check to modernize their militaries.
I personally think if outsiders want to regulate an industry they know little about. A 40mm Bofors AA guns, the largest weapon you can legally purchase here, is much less dangerous in the hands of a collector than a flintlock in the hands of a violent person. There is no list referencing historical data that would put…
I get what you are saying, and I agree that some guns are more lethal than others. However, I do not think a lethality rating would be a good idea for several reasons.
It’s not that they need to know what areas an AK-74 is improved over an AK-47 or what equipment can be mounted on each gun.
Sigh, people do it all the time. Maybe you need to check some local news. i don't see why you think that it's so hard to obtain a gun illegally, when it happens all the time. You aren't going to get a gun as I described on a whim, but someone who is going to buy an armored vehicle or armor up a tractor is going to be…
If you don't mind, I would love to copy your words for future use, I will credit it to you
No gun owners want to give an inch to gun control advocates because they will take a mile. It literally is as simple as that. You have a guy walk into a theater with an AR that jams almost immediately, so he has to use two hands guns and a shotgun. Then the next week you have the VP saying nobody needs more than a…
Listen brainiac. Anyone that wants to know how to make armor can easily work it out in about 20 minutes of research. Or you can go online and buy some AR500 plates. It’s really not difficult at all, people have and do their own admiring jobs frequently. Similarly, illegal sources are very easy to find if you know how…