geeee quinn

what does EIC mean?

i am genuinely curious what will happen to this website if the system changes. at the moment, it is so welcoming to lurkers like me, who read this website for the articles AND the comments. i've been here clicking on shit here since futurechimp used to post random videos on the videocracy tread, and i'm not gonna read

as well you should!

chess thread
has there ever been one? you dudes and dudettes are smart folk, but i've never seen a chess tread. do you play chess in real life or chess online? i've gotten back into it recently. i'm ok, not great, but i really love the game. what chess websites do you visit/play on? have you ever looked at chess

you a ledge (north county dublin dialect for "legend" = hero)

oh fuck off michael moore. you think you are bill hicks, but really you are denis leary. either make a movie about the water in flint, or do a supersize me style doc and finish yourself, you useless self-important hack.

ok buddy, let's be clear.

thanks for this great post. your comment it what makes this a great website. i'm about to start episode 3 now and am terrified as to whats to come.

perhaps i'm wrong but i'm picking up a certain "bernie would have won" vibe here. a few points on this:

it's not that. it's people doing stupid shit JUST TO ADVANCE THE PLOT!!! sorry for screaming

hey dude, i'm with you. but don't go down that sam harris road. islam is the worst, but only if you prefix it with something like "this week" or "since 1994" or whatever.

the city and the city is great.

yes. it destroys the original films, the ones with ripley, from the monster even down to the soundtrack. in a way it's kind of amazing how shit it is.

covenant is worse

pictured: rapist
flanked by: rapist enablers

no republican would have won in 2008, just like no democrat would have won in 2016.

alien covenant was even worse than prometheus.

"as a veteran" is one of those wonderful phrases where you can almost always assume everything that comes after it is just nothing. just like one of those weirdo conservative moms on fox news who says "well as a mother……bla bla bla".

anyone hanging on to the bernie myth is an idiot. no democrat would have won the election.

clearly the statement above is meant as an homage to the french writer louis ferdinand céline, what with the concise yet delicate use of ellipses yo.