geeee quinn

it's a pity there isn't a hell for them to go to —- christopher hitchens

didn't pence oversee an aids epidemic in his home state? so yeah, it's a pity there isn't a hell for him to go to either (that's a hitch quote).

i'm just super happy that a long time commenter was able to get something published on the avclub. well done, and sincerest congrats. first of many me hopes.

i always imagined fred ward as hap

and that's why he's gonna win if he runs again. his slogan is gonna be "keep america great" and he'll convince those people who voted for him that they have to keep voting for him or it proves them wrong. the hardest thing to admit for those people will be to say they were fooled. and they will continue to vote

wow, your reward for creating maybe the only place on the internet where discussing politics in a reasonable way is possible is to have this happen to you? that is fucking disgusting.

you're right. this sucks. is this gonna turn into some slate like comment section, where the format is even worse than the content?

it seems like it's only on the newswires too. lame. not cool. boooooooooo

this is some bullshit.

wow, you're like the avclub designated french literature reviewer, Ignatiy.
there has just been a new english translation of "en finir avec eddy belleguelle" called "the end of eddy" in english. it's autobiographical and here's the guys' wiki…

i really wanted to like that movie so much, and i'm not gonna argue with someone who thinks it's great. but there was something about the direction being SO great that took me out of that film so much. when a director or editor is doing such a GREAT job, i get distracted, and eventually bored.

genuinely awesome post. major props to you. no sarcasm. thanks.

people should continue to troll him until he buys a nice stool, a nice rope, and then some one can kick one from beneath the other until there is a nice puddle of shit that maybe ben shapiro can lick up.

well i don't know about that, but i'll take your word for it. i've lived in france and this idea that the france is like the land which still lives in the epoque of the enlightenment is total horseshit. it is a backward place, like the country i live in now. europe is not some shining light where the ideas of voltaire

france is a terrible place. apart from a few cities, it's total hickville.
check out a writer called éduard louis, the english translation of his book should be out soon, called "the end of eddy". a perfect depiction of french rural towns.

chef john all the way, yo!

he kinda looks a bit like him too.

look, if you haven't understood that this guy is just trolling the world then i don't know what to say. his actions are so far out there that they are baffling. impossible to follow. from a non-american point of view he makes palin and bush (well, maybe not palin) sound human.