geeee quinn

do you have him in blond?

plus bill clinton should be in jail for what he did to ricky ray rector. how this isn't one of the biggest scandals related to the clinton dynasty i'll never know.

that would be quite beautiful!

fuck that guy and anyone whoever thought he was a "cool" pope.

exactly! the people who love video games and think of them as art should welcome her contributions. i love albert camus and i completely disagree with any post-colonial angles that people take towards his work, they've completely missed the point as far as i'm concerned. but these types of readings must be welcomed

i think we agree.
it's just that the criticism leveled at her is so against her personally and not her ideas that gets to me a little. i mean what other critic has found themselves the object of threats because of an analysis?

yes, but would you not agree that it is her that is being attacked and not her views?

childs play was the first film to ever fuck me up as a kid. or maybe it was ghostbusters two with the painting. a teacher showed us this when we were 9 or something. i remember not sleeping well for weeks. terrifying.

so are you saying that russian billionaires have been able to manipulate him?

yes i can, there would be a calls for secession.

maybe he purifies himself in the waters of lake minnetonka???
ever think of that?
check mate

trump is such a fucking weirdo.

there's no way we can find someone dumber than bush: palin
there's no way we can find someone dumber than palin: trump

can somebody please explain the following to me?

just want to say that the documentary "i am not your negro" is the best doc i've ever seen and thanks to the good dudes and dudettes on this website that have recommended books by baldwin which i can't wait to read. he's one of the most interesting people of the 20th century and i can't recommend the aforementioned

have you read " we need to talk about kevin"? i really liked that and i have "the mandibles" there on the shelf waiting. how would you connect them in terms of style? if i liked one, would i like the other?

i wish i could say i postponed the book for interesting reasons, but it was more because i connected this book with my balcony and i had to go on holiday and got a book in the airport. i was really liking the book but then just forgot about it.

finished "tony and susan" which was adapted into nocturnal animals. the book was underwhelming and so was the film. maybe my expectations were too high. currently in the middle of "the handmaid's tale" which is going well. next will hopefully be something by james baldwin because "i am not your negro" might be the

nice little dig there at ayaan hirsi ali. you could have said many things about her, like survivor of fgm, public figure who lives under the threat of a fatwa, founder of the aha foundation which tries to protect muslim women etc. but instead went in that direction.

that's awesome for your kid! well done!