geeee quinn

check your mail

coming back via iraq in circa 1991? you bethca!

change of topic, because nobody is gonna read this thread anyway. are you the poster who made a documentary about a crime in amercia and you posted a clip to vimeo or something like that? you said the sound wasn't finished yet on the trailer.

about bullying, i bullied a kid when i was younger and i don't know how he survived. we were only ten but we were a group, he was alone, for no other reason than he had an unlucky second name. that was 24 years ago and i still don't know if he's ok with it. i used my terrible actions to help me get through a 5 year

great post. i'm fascinated by him and the bombing. the relationship between his terrorism and the disaster in waco texas, and then the columbine bombing, how this date was important etc. but you are right that these words like "evil" and "insane" do no good. his execution and the poem that he wanted read, it just

totally correct. i'd say he's read the shock doctrine by naomi klein and used it as a "how to" manual except i don't think that he has the attention span to read.

there's so much wrong with him it's impossible to even know where to begin. for a start, "liberal hollywood" is probably one of the most capitalist places in the world, a world he craves respect from. they should shun him even more.

i know it's not the oscars' fault. they should cancel the event because of this. their audience is one of the largest in the world and they would earn such grace and favour if they were to fight this. the members of the academy should be leading this protest. and i'm sure they will.

every person connected with any film nominated should boycott the oscars now in a show of solidarity in support of one of the greatest writers and directors living in the world today. fucking disgrace. fuck you trump and fuck you anyone who voted for him.

yes, universal is the perfect word. well said. one of the greatest directors working at the moment.

i love "a separation" in the same way that i love "amour" by haneke. it's just the perfect title. and the realism is just wonderful. i think that fafhadi is one of the best directors in the world today, totally on the same level as haneke. i wanted to like "le passé" more but there was just one or two scenes that

he advocated for many things at many different parts of his life. to equate him with richard spencer is beyond baffling. they have nothing in common. and no, malcolm x did not advocate black supremacy, not once.

do you know anything about malcolm x? because i don't think you know one fucking thing about malcolm x.

let's just hope that these good people can mobilize and get a caucus and get people elected then. because those tea party hicks had leaders like glen beck and sean hannity and sarah palin, such towering intellects, and managed to change the discourse of your nation.

these are all hypotheticals. but i think the one thing that makes trump worse than them all has been his ability to turn anything negative into a positive. he has changed the vocabulary. so now we have new weird phrases that have been incorporated into the landscape. i hate seeing new labels like "fake news" &

the goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!

just when i thought it was not possible to love steve buscemi more! what a fucking hero!

a million times this, well said.

i'm not a us citizen either and i can't think of anybody worse on the planet than fucking trump. he is the worst person on the planet. you know that thing you flushed down the toilet this morning? better than trump.

i'd love to share your optimism but i don't know how you can say this. his actions so far have been worse than his words if that was possible. for example, during the campaign he said positive things about medicare and medicaid, planned parenthood and gender equality, as well as not cutting social security. but his