geeee quinn

also you can in some way justify some lunatic christian terrorist with some bizarre verse from some book mistranslated and transcribed by some illiterate fuck with coal so it's not the same. in some weird twisted way we can say that it was god - it's alright it's alright it's alright it's alright, she moves in

link please, not because i don't believe you, but because i want to know if it's possible to feel worse than i already do since about 3 weeks ago.

oh dikachu, you scallywag, it's only terrorism when it's against the republican party, when it's right wing white terrorism, well, we call that lone wolf, crazy, fringe terrorism, an isolated incident. this act is cleary part of the rand corporation, george soros funded, bla bla bla, i don't even know anymore.

we'll see how strong those republicans are come next january, and i hope to share your optimism. but my comment was more regarding the more prominent members of the republican party like mitt romney and rudi guliani and their capitulation to the president elect. i hope that there are as many vocal opponents to trump

i don't think they hate him. i think they are jealous of him. he got to say loudly all the shit that they've been trying to legislate for quietly and now he's the most powerful person in the world.

"there's something not quite right about the skin tone of their lead guitarist too." - half of the trump transition team. citation taken as granted.

yes. i think the original problem was that the juxtaposition of stewart vs o'reilly normalizes and accepts o'reilly's nastiness, which seemed to go against so much of what jon stewart tried to do in his run on the daily show. this whole idea of "we're just buddies but with differences of opinion" is not ok in my

have you seen "best of enemies" on netflix about vidal and buckley? really good. and it's unbearable to see people refer to buckley as some sort of "intellegent conservative". he's just a scumbag and ignorant asshole and to elevate him to anything more is ridiculous.

dude or dudette, you are so right, jon's "tv buddy friendship" bullshit with bill o'reilly was and is disgusting. it's as shameful as his fawning interview that he did once with henry kissinger.

oh wafflicious, you rascal, dissent is only patriotic when the democratic party is in control. now that trump is in charge, dissent is un-american, and people who exercise their first amendment rights in protest should perhaps go to jail or lose their citizenship. duh.

if you ever get the chance you should take the train from bern to geneva just to see the landscape, lavaux it's called. makes me cry every time i see it. it's a real beautiful place for sure!

i know, it's just there!

not for any european. might be different for a u.s. citizen. it's very easy to get a permit. remember, it's switzerland, all they want is your cash, and a permit is not expensive. it's what i did and i've lived here for 8 years with very sketchy german (my french and italian are ok). i could actually help you in some

come to switzerland! a little bit of german and fluent english and you're fine! at least in zurich, where the money lives. safest place ever. you can drink and smoke weed in public too.

i have a folder on my computer just of his writing called "theory lessons". so very sad. and a great loss. film criticism is what brought me to the avclub in the first place thanks to scott tobias. and i really thought that his column, palm thursday and scenic routes would continue in that way. peace out, good guy,

as much slack as bill maher gets around here, you gotta hand it to him for his election coverage. and his point about back in the good old days that news was a "loss leader" was a good one. but tv news, driven by ratings, will act like any proper capitalist organisation and do what they need to do to keep their

i hope that you are right, but at the moment i don't share your optimism. the republican party might have woken up wednesday not knowing who they are, but they know what they have become: the most powerful entity in america politics since obama's run between 2008 & 2010. and their agenda in insane.

yeah, you're right. that drives me crazy.

trump never drank a negra modelo in his life. or any other beer as far as i'm aware. (less cool simpsons quote)

good good good. and the left in america now has to start to own this whole "dissent is patriotic" shit that has become a hallmark of the right. because you are the patriotic people.