geeee quinn

if clinton won, the maniacs had already promised 4 years of gridlock, impeachment hearings, investigations etc. they have been trying to delegitimize obama since 2007. no. you leftists there should start to shout about secession like that dickless piece of shit rick perry would do if clinton had won. or that other

dude or dudette, i'll take my laughs where i can get them and your comment made me giggle a little. a sincere thanks and an upvote for you!

and it's about time that people focused on this instead of "we should all unite" bla bla bla.

i am in total agreement. but wasn't he the one with the "fifty state strategy" which would have meant some sort of focus on states like wisconsin (which clinton didn't even go to, expected to win and got annihilated) and would have some sort of appeal to the white working class males who voted en mass against clinton?

yes. this times a thousand. if sarah palin and glenn beck can organize a political movement to destroy the legacy of obama then the left can too. or can they?

i have just watched the brief meeting where obama met trump and now it's time to force myself to get sick.

to reply to your edit, i think there will be at least 2 years of uncontrolled lunacy. the democrats, liberals and progressives have 2 years to figure out how to take back something in the mid-terms in two years.

as james carville says in the clinton v bush documentary "war room" about ross perot: "the single most expensive act of masturbation in the history of the world."

my fear is that in the next 2 years before the mid-term elections, the republicans can change the filibuster rule, destroying any sort of protest and rushing through any agenda no matter how insane, including controlling the supreme court for perhaps the next 25 years.

"he showed what the republican party was all about and they won." they won everything. the three branches of your government. with less than 25% of the total electorate.

but doesn't the controlling party in the senate get to decide the filibuster rules? therefore making it impossible for the democrats to exercise the same level of obstruction that those maniacs have done for the past 7 years?

yes, biden should be one of the leaders too. can't believe i forgot about him. poor guy.

yes, the destruction of the republican party has been put on hold. the democratic party has been nuked.

it's only thursday.

yes yes yes yes yes

michelle obama, elisabeth warren, howard dean and bernie sanders should be the leaders of the democratic party.

the logic behind his selection is something i will never understand


i fucking hope so

the dnc leadership must all be replaced and the new leaders should be michelle obama, elisabeth warren, howard dean and bernie sanders. there is no reason why sitting senators cannot also be leaders of the party. wouldn't be the first time anyway.