geeee quinn

not once

you are correct. and my current impression of the republican party has been influenced by the "race to the most extreme" system their primaries cause. in fact if this election destroys the two parties like you said in a previous post, perhaps this is one of the silver linings that people can take from this.

no she wasn't, she campaigned tirelessly in wisconsin. oh wait. she never even went there.

i don't think he destroyed the republican party. i think he showed what the republican party is all about. he screams against muslims but ted cruz has already tried to introduce similar legislation. socially he's probably to the left of his vice president. the national review think piece edition of conservatives

tim kaine 2020! disastrous.

it's opposite day in america. people said that trump would destroy the republican party for a generation. instead the democratic party has been annihilated. the scope of this tragedy will be immense.

except for the small fact that people like scott walker have begun discussing changing the filibuster rule, which i think could make the democrats protests as lasting as a fart in the wind.

do you think that the democratic party will have the ability to perform a report like the now famous republican one in 2012 where they analyze their mistakes? because a lot of the blame rests on her shoulders.

i understand your sentiment, but remember that republican congressman who said that if clinton wins, grab your musket. the republicans promised gridlock for 4 years if clinton won, and now the democratic party has lost everything. maybe the republicans will even change the filibuster rules. democrats should start

if such towering intellects like sarah palin, glenn beck, alex jones etc. can mobilize a political movement during a fairly successful presidency of 7 years and in the end wind up victorious, then the leftists and liberals should be able to do the same no? i mean i hope so. because now the 3 branches of your

thank you giving me my first giggle in 24 hours.

i want an outsider pilot to fly my plane.

look friend guy buddy, i don't even live in america and i'm fucking shitting it. 59 million people voted for the most obvious charlatan in political history and the fact that he got more than 3 votes should be a scandal. intelligence, thinking, analysis & reflection have become words of insult in your country, and i

whatcha readin for?

there must be thousands of minorities etc. who are adults who feel the same terror as the victims of those kids bullying. grown ass adults who are now afraid of what has not only been accepted, but endorsed by more than 59 million americans.

no. be angry at the more than 59 million americans who voted for the most obvious charlatan in political history.

and now they are not only publicly accepted, but elected to the highest office in your land. people must feel genuine terror for their own safety at the moment, and for at least the next 2 years.

anti-intellectualism has become a badge of honour in america. how did that happen? such a sad day.

this times one million. can you honestly imagine newt, guliani etc speaking about unity if they lost? they'd be saying things like "well she won but it's not a mandate". the left in america needs to get a lot lot stronger and louder. because your ideas are correct and the 59 million people who voted for trump are

if clinton won, texas and loads of other states would pull that whole seceding shit. and it would get traction and coverage. california and new york and washington should at least start speaking about this at the same volume that rick perry and his crowd would.