
I used to ride on the center armrest of a 280Z. Those were my favorite car rides.

When these came out my pre-teen mind thought that the car from The Last Starfighter came true.

Kinja’d? Kinja’d, indeed.

The Internet is full of weird.

I’ve heard before that old 911s could be considered “oil-cooled” for reasons related to that. Yes, those who said that would end upper proven wrong, but it's funny to think of the possibility.

It’s how BMW manages to replicate the character and semblance of classic British automobiles.

This gives a new meaning to the term “spaghetti code.”

I think I know what you mean. The top of his head looks like a tsunami.

None of the valid penalties for breaking said two laws involve slamming a one-and-a-half-ton object at the bike rider with the intent of causing bodily harm.

Protip: If you set your X-Wing’s blasters to quad-fire, every TIE Fighter can be shot down with a single pull of the trigger provided that your targetting is up to snuff.

Sorry, I can’t relate to any of this. The old man would let me steer the car and shift gears from the passenger seat when I was five years old, and started to let me take the driver’s seat at 12. Reckless? Certainly. But I never stepped into a driver’s school and passed my license test on the first try.

Indeed that’s how it started out. The entire cycle consisted of intake, compression, combustion, exhaust, steam expansion, and steam exhaust.

Six piston strokes only equate to one more revolution versus four strokes. It does (in theory) increase power (or better yet, efficiency) because it has two power strokes for every three revolutions instead of one power stroke for every two revolutions (2/3 > 1/2).

They could also plumb the air conditioning system to collect water from outside air through condensation whenever the water tank is empty.

Curiously, SpaceX is going part of the way towards an N1-like system with the Falcon Heavy. Fortunately we have much more powerful computers nowadays, which could allow for real-time compensation for single-engine failures as already seen with Falcon 9.

The Chevy Spark is a rebadged Daewoo, with subpar interior and ergonomics for its class and questionable build quality. It only looks good on paper.

I'd like to see that... thing take a stroll through the Tail of the Dragon.