Alayne Stone

@curiousgeorgiana: Okay, the first comment got me misty-eyed but it was your second comment that did me in. Totally bawling now.

@JennyJazz: Well, there goes that theory! Thanks for your compliment on my screen name, more than anything it is about my love of puns, although the herb and cheesy classic rock songs are not far behind. I can't believe I didn't realize yours was a Clash reference, I love them... Anyway, feel free to PM me or add me

@JennyJazz: This comment made me so sad. So sorry for everything you've been through, and I hope your husband continues to do well. Try and trust that your awful ex is going to get what he deserves from the universe sooner or later, and in the meantime is probably fucking miserable and alone despite his success. I

@InfamousKai: As someone who often stays up until 3 am so I can go to 711 just after the baked goods have been delivered to get the freshest possible donuts, I salute you. I think the guy who works the late shift at my local one knows me as Stoned Donuts Girl. Oh well!

@TheFormerJuneBronson: I was shocked that she said it took her a week and a half to get around to eating the donut, even though she was craving it intensely. What the hell? If I was pregnant and craving a cinnamon donut, I would have found and eaten three of them within 15 minutes.

@yearofthewoman: Thanks! I kind of don't even want to criticize her because in some ways I wish the music industry was full of people like her. I just really enjoy watching creative people who are unique performers, and would love to see a bunch of the kinds of weird people I find interesting achieving fame and

@ahumanperson: I'm with you. I appreciate her balls-to-the-wall commitment to artistry and weirdness, and I guess that's interesting to watch because it's not something we've been seeing a lot of recently in pop music, but there's no substance to what she does, and I don't get why more people don't see through it.

@sekushinonyanko: You have some serious theory to read, then. Much of the feminist scholarship in the last 20 years has been devoted to the subject of how a strict gender binary actually makes things worse for everyone - those who fit into the rigid categories as well as fall between them - and how the false dichotomy

@lurkerbynature: My aunt is this woman! She's a doctor and her husband (who is an asshat, and she is in the process of divorcing him) isn't, and she kept her name. Sadly, whenever anything is addressed to them both, it's "Mr. and Mrs. Asshat."

Can I just say that Larry David was totally gross on The Marriage Ref? Talking about how when he got married he thought his wife's body was his property and she just had to have sex with him whenever he wanted it. "Her breasts were my breasts. I want the breasts!" Marital rape, ha ha? Good for Madonna for standing up

Is Heidi Montag high? Seriously, post-surgery pain meds, and all. It would explain a lot.

@rampantwhistler: I was worried this was redundant or that I was personalizing it too much, so thank you. I totally agree that I think we need to account for a broader spectrum of symptoms when looking at issues with eating and body image. As you said, radically healthy eating, when taken to an unhealthy extreme,

As someone who is recovering/recovered from an eating disorder, I find the evidence for orthorexia being related to disordered eating to be pretty compelling.

This reminds me of a tiered cake I built in the shape of the Guggenheim museum when I was in 5th grade. Well, my dad ended up doing most of it. But it was amazing! Probably the most avant-garde funfetti is ever going to get.

@clockwise - counter: Hate to say it because I love her SO, but she is heading into Billy Ray Cyrus territory.

@Miss Lonelyhearts: @Mnemosyne: Oh, this is making me so sad to read about. I'm sorry that things haven't changed. I'm in my 20s but am remembering back to when I was a freshman in high school and some popular girls spray painted the word "slut" on my parents' house because I had kissed one of the girls'

I would be THRILLED if someone asked Lindsey Buckingham for comment. That way I'd have an excuse to post this picture (the cover of one of my favorite albums ever, actually, but mostly because... HOT):

@sybann: I am in my early 20s and wear caftans all the time. It's okay! Have no shame! They're coming back, I swear!

@ihateyourescalade: I am also really, really not trying to snark, but I have to say it - the lips! Agh! Sandy, you were beautiful before! Seriously, Hollywood starlets, why are you always messing with your lips? The change is always completely obvious and never looks right at all.