
When I first saw it all I could think about was how this was a modern interpretation of the Idiot. Which was Dostoevsky's modern interpretation of Jesus Christ.

I read the first TPB of the comics. I had to stop because it was making the show like the Watchman movie where almost every change was horrible. (I only say almost because of Daryl)

You think I see myself in any character in Walking Dead over The Strain? My roommates just started watching WD on Netflix this week and I have rewatched some of the first 3 seasons with them. I found myself sympathizing with Shane in retrospect. Fucking Shane!

The funeral scene wasn't really that sweet? I'd love for people to drink beers and do what we loved in memory of me instead of moping around performing religious ceremonies and I think that's what Ted would have wanted too.

You didn't like the Christoph Waltz impersonation?

I agree with most of what you are saying. Eph is far from my favorite scientist on television. (Although I haven't heard him use "theory" instead of "hypothesis" and that is beginning to endear him to me) But I have to disagree with you on a few points. Eph is a scientist and as such his role in this setting is to

Skin is a pretty good barrier against UV light, so that isn't a clever solution. Since he only saw one worm, cutting it out was the logical thing to do. He doesn't know how fast those things reproduce and he doesn't have anything close to a situation a scientist would want to study these things in. He's making this up

I wouldn't call Eph dumb scientifically. He is trying to think about these things in his thought framework of viruses and he was very quick and intelligent in his initial attempt to save Jim.

Just a heads-up for everybody. Netflix says this movie is only available on instant until 9/1/14.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm not a big spoiler fan. I'm enjoying the slow-build of the show because it is giving me plenty of time to ponder how the plots will tie together and speculate on things like the mechanics of the vampires.

Am I the only one who thinks we have competing Masters now?

You're really going to use The Walking Dead as an example of organic story development? The show where we actively cheer for the characters to die and is completely out-written by a video game in the same franchise?

This reminds me how much I still want an American blu-ray release of Kill Bill together as one film with the Crazy 88 scene in full color like they have it in Japan.

Oh, I know. Halfway through the first season I told my friend who convinced me to watch it on DVD that I was done if they ended another episode with a shot of the hatch. The next episode ended on a shot of the hatch and he kept saying "It gets better! The mythology is great!" I told him to watch Carnivale if he wanted

I'm the same way. There have been little things here and there, but the big holes that people complain are easily explained and wouldn't even be noticed if the pacing was faster. I often wonder if these people have watched a film made before 1980 and am amazed that, among my friends at least, these are the same people

These reviews are getting incredibly repetitive and seem to be trolling at this point. I'm not going to declare the Strain a perfect show by any means, but acting like these people and events don't make any sense?

I just find Colbert's schtick very one-dimensional and tiring. "I'll poke fun of conservatives by pretending to be one of them. Isn't that hilarious, all of us good liberal people?" It was good fun for a couple episodes and an amazing troll of Bill O'Reilly, but I stopped laughing at Colbert years ago because it is

I can't believe I am saying this, but Hannity is right. Stewart is funnier than Colbert.

Is this supposed to be a magical transformation? Or is it Tuesday and we are rebooting Marvel franchises again?

I would pay money to see a black and white movie about Helllboy figuratively raising hell as a youngster.