
As a long, long time AoEII player I understand how a much smaller force of cavalry can rout unprepared infantry. I wasn't doubting the tactics of the attack. Though I doubt few armies operate entirely on horseback and would expect Stannis to have at least double that number in infantry.

Some stray thoughts from the season:

I don't think Mr. Oates knows that Icarus is the correct answer on all written exams.

I feel a great deal of remorse for your wrist cramps. Having been raised on a farm I am unfamiliar with touchscreen typing problems, but have certainly experienced wrist pain after hours of cleaning up cattle excrement. I would recommend not treating message board replies as urgent, but rather something you do when

You may note that I never said Hannibal compares to The Wire. In fact you never asked if I wanted to compare the two for their objective quality as film. (Fun note. I don't wish to do so any more than I wish to debate the objective merits of horses and beer.)

I personally prefer to save that term for people who ignorantly act like their opinion is the pinnacle of human comprehension. But I digress, please continue trolling instead of discussing how television shows can contribute to the human experience in positive ways.

Clearly unintellectual. Everyone knows themes of human dependency and conversations about parallels with Homer's Illiad are for Budweiser-swilling trailer trash, not connoisseurs of fine literature.

I think it is a bit strange to see so many comedic actors on this list. I know most (hopefully everyone reading this) lament the lame attempts from Murphy, Myers and Martin in recent years, but let's face it. They were cutting edge comedians decades ago. It's a different world now. The comedians from the 70s-90s that

There is a lot to love in this movie. Clive Owen pulls off the deadpan humor perfectly, Monica Bellucci is gorgeous and holds her own riffing with Owen, Giamatti is chewing the scenery like it's made of taffy and the action is wonderfully, joyously choreographed throughout to some great rock songs. I personally find

I recall him giving up the bottle a couple times during the series.

Saul Tigh should have been on this list. His battle with alcoholism was one of the best parts of Battlestar Galactica.