
@kaizoman: Does Android represent the user experience? I thought that was all the "skins and interfaces" companies like Motorola are placing on top of it. I mean, yeah, OS and Windows compete on the home computer market, but they are operating systems with a user interface built-in. Maybe I'm just arguing for the

@Brian Hogg: True! And good point. I still think it's odd that, for the most part, the statistics are showing iOS versus Android. Is that really the battle? I'm just curious about what phones are selling. We see plenty of numbers for iOS phones sold weekly versus Android, etc, but nothing (or not as heavily promoted)

@reuthermonkey: Oh, yeah, I'm not speaking for Apple, I'm speaking for myself. I'm just curious from a manufacturing standpoint. Also, while I do see Apple selling as a brand, I'm curious how many people are buying Android specifically, or something Google-branded, or just buying the smartphones available by their

I don't even think he was directly aiming his comment at Google. I've wondered why, when people show phone sells, they've been breaking it into operating system now. There's a whole host of reasons why Android should (and is, right?) selling better now, not the least of which Android-based phones are now on every US

@south2nd: Yeah, surprising, huh? As ridiculous as I find it (although I wouldn't say I was "Aware" enough to really get it when I was in high school), I'm always a little shocked people don't seem to know this is going on. This circumstance in the Mississippi school? It's like roaches in a rotten log; this is just

In the 90s, my high school was still all segregated. Because the families didn't want "intermingling," there was no school-sponsored prom. Instead, the white families sponsored a Spring Formal and the black families had a Spring Dance.

@Sticks Calhoun: oh sure. I am not siding one way or another in the whole, "is this post worth it?", I just wanted to point out that I received a non-bumper through the free case program. :-)

@Sticks Calhoun: Actually, not true. They're offering more than the bumper. It is a limited selection, but I got an In Case snap cover, clear, essentially what is shown in that image above the Monoprice write-up.

@pz: You didn't really need to ask that question, you know. :-)

@cybershrike: If they can make a penny off of you, they will charge you that penny.

@andrelix: I think you have a problem phone. Either that, or you're in a horrific AT&T service area. I'd consider taking it in for replacement.

@Jed: Amen. Amen. This just feels like little boys kicking dirt at each other on the playground. I might prefer one company to another, but it doesn't mean I'm blindly whooping along, going, "kick their ass! kick it!"

@PoG: I'd say take your own advice re: iPhone, but I'm sure you won't listen.

@rajdowi3c1: but, but, but, you got one bar to drop! That's the best I could do on my iPhone 4! If I dig around, will I find you bragging about how happy you are that you're not on a shitty iPhone, or will I see that you've been fairly equitable during this time?

@MadCow234: Heyo! That's exactly what I'm doing. Might as well take advantage of a gift.

@Enochrewt: people keep saying this, and I'm not sure you believe us when we do: I've had one dropped call since I got the iPhone 4, and it was the other caller's phone being in a bad area. Not mine. I have had zero problems with my iPhone. I can reproduce the signal effect as long as I'm in a place where I'm already

@Piledriver: That's not irony, that's natural selection!

@Stem_Sell: hehe. I like iOfSauron. Can I has?

@Flike: I think you're onto something there. Once they manage to integrate advertising completely into the system (iAd?), you'll be roped into dealing with constant interjections unless you opt out by paying.