I'd like to see someone described as the new Ethel Merman. Wouldn't you?
I'd like to see someone described as the new Ethel Merman. Wouldn't you?
Yeah. why are people so interested in helping this man putting him on Dr. Phil over and over?
@Kitty Conner: not that she should care, but there's no amount of smooshing that would have any effect on Aretha, unless they made her 10 feet tall.
I wonder if Phoebe Buffay's sister is available.
Yeah. I'm all for a woman writer tackling the show. How about Marti Noxon, or Jane Epsensen? God forbid.
@Queenjulie: My god. My parents are the biggest offenders ever, with pictures of my naked butt (and my brother's), plus us in the bathtub, etc.
@der gugelhupf: you might be right. I could be jumping on them too
I just feel sorry for a child who is barely 18 entering a rehab of any kind. That it's for longstanding psychological issue (like cutting), which would suggest her parents (and her agents and Disney) knew and just kept pushing her into this "famedom"...well, that really makes me sad.
@Lazy Line Painter Jane: thank you. I held off making an American Apparel joke because I figured someone had beat me to it.
@rhymeswithfeather: YEEEEEEES. I think I've seen this actual thing in the Eagle.
@Xeraphim: Out of curiosity, do you suspect that many iPhone users of jailbreaking their phones for those features? I'm just curious as to how (and this is for @wilson below, too) much info they could gather from people, because we all know internet tech chatter isn't really representative of most users of a device.
@roninpenguin: You can see all the illegal immigrants snatching up your jobs, though, right?
My summer vacation was in New Mexico, high in the mountains. It was so incredible, and had been so long since my country upbringing, that I looked at the sky and wondered what the clouds were doing in an otherwise clear view...and then my moron ass realized that was the Milky Way.
The only thing I really hate about polls like this is that it's an excuse to argue.
@blyan: Amen. But this is why I always try to avoid the "who is better" argument because, really, you're going to scream about the evils of corporate Apple while flying to...the evils of corporate Google? They're about making money, too. Their openness and cloud this and web-based that appeal to a lot of people, but…
@blyan: Yep. You're right. I was only asking out of my own curiosity. :-)
@evanminn01: No, I'm not saying it's ALL I want in response to OS versus OS articles, I'm saying I don't think I've seen any manufacturer vs. manufacturer numbers. For that matter, I don't even know if any cellular carriers have put up their Android numbers vs. AT&T. Sorry if my point trailed off the original thrust…
@blyan: When you blatantly bring up iOS versus Android, right now, what is that? For Apple, it does mean phones + iPad, Touches, etc...for Android, we're talking just in terms of phones right now. SO, no, Jobs wasn't talking about phones, but I am. Is it impossible to bring up a point outside Jobs' comment?
@chris.sonofskywalker: Yeah. Again, I understand WHY Jobs is pointing out iOS devices now. It's part of my original point: if Android covers all the phones across all the carriers, I guess Jobs is right to point out the Touches and iPads sold with iPhones.
@kaizoman: ah, there we go. I should've made the jump that Google's making its money off the Marketplace. I didn't really think about that. But, again, I would think Google was more interested in apps sold/downloaded than phones sold, although pointing out the number of units in the world to developers and advertisers…