
I always figured it would be a smart move to open a FroYo place next to Szechuan Palace.

I knew this guy reminded me of someone....

Is that tempered or otherwise hardened steel? Otherwise the tools are relatively worthless.

It's a classic case of analysis paralysis. So may choices makes it difficult to decide. Like cable TV, or a bar with 100 beers on tap. Studies have shown that people buy more stuff when they have fewer options. The same could be said for a potential mate.

I'm pretty sure I like elephants more than I like most humans.

*dangerous and destructive invasive species*


And the dreaded bat wings.

Also, PMI usually varies based on how close you are to 20% equity. Put 3% down, and you're going to be paying a lot. Once you are at 17 or 18% equity, you are still paying PMI but it is very little (relatively speaking, of course).

Also, sellers are more likely to reject your offer if you put very little down. Theoretically it should not make a difference, but it does. High loan-to-value ratios are more likely to get held up in underwriting, and are therefore buyers with these mortgages are less attractive to sellers.

Please. That's nothing. You don't realize how luck you are.

Agreed - those are great tools.

Me too. I recently went to change out a fixture on the exterior of the house, and switched off the breaker on the circuit I figured it was on. Checked — yep, no power in the line coming out of the house. It turns out that there was no power in the line because the other end of the line was an unplugged extension cord.

Me too. I recently went to change out a fixture on the exterior of the house, and switched off the breaker on the circuit I figured it was on. Checked — yep, no power in the line coming out of the house. It turns out that there was no power in the line because the other end of the line was an unplugged extension

Color us impressed.

...which he disagrees with on religious grounds.