Drinking milk as an adult is fucking weird and makes you feel like shit.
Drinking milk as an adult is fucking weird and makes you feel like shit.
Reading this makes me feel lazy.
Exactly. Even better is to calculate cost per square foot of toilet paper or paper towel. The total square feet is noted right there on the label.
And this:
According to Amontons' Law of Pressure-Temperature
A better option — delay the family visit until January. Sure, the weather is still shitty, but no crowds to compete with. This strategy has served me well for the past 10 years. After the first couple of years, the family won't even expect you at the holidays anymore, so no guilt.
Don't forget to have your phone held up to your ear the entire time you're yelling at the agent.
You will never be invited to my house.
Thanks a lot. Excuse me while I crawl into a hole and cry.
You know what also saves water? Not flushing every time. Or going out in the back yard. Or going in the sink. Or go into a clay pot and dump it into the gutter. In our civilized society we flush away waste to central locations at a considerable expense, both in water and the infrastructure to take it away. We've…
No, but the drainage rate varies inversely proportional to the amount of hair/soap scum in there. There's always water swirling around and running past your feet — it does not go down instantly.
Why not pee in the bath too? Hey, it's sterile!
Would you dip you foot in the toilet after urinating into it? No? I rest my case.
This is really heartbreaking. The real injustice here is that 99% of these parents face no consequences for doing this shit to their kids.