
Maybe the most productive move Trump has made yet.

I think it goes case by case. Some people need them and some are just entitled to get what they want. Money can get you places.

This sucks.

Thats not a popular mindset here, and I agree. Be prepared to be called a white man.

Im quite positive that her concern for human rights stops at our borders and she is speaking about Americans only.

How dare you find a sophisticated, educated, influential black woman attractive!? You are a pig. I am too. Its ok to be proud of her and find her distractingly beautiful. Theres nothing sexist about it.

Yeah, someone needs to revoke his twitter rights before he gets us blown up.

Youre right about some things. Some people are extra sensitive to things that some people arent, regardless of if they are the same race or not. These people frequent internet comment sections.

Theres a saying that sometimes you give someone an inch then they take a foot. Basically they are afraid to give us anything, in fear that we will take more than that. Thats just the history or our relations with white people and the goverment. If that makes you think of a blacks mans penis, then that is all on you.

I had just read the story of that black woman that chopped the black man up, distributed his limbs, and ran off to Louisiana. If we, as black men, keep acting the way we do towards are women then that is a fate we cant be saved from. Throwing boiling water on us while we are sleeping isnt enough anymore. So, if we

Safety vest, hard hat, gloves, and tools = unquestioned access to most places. Nobody wants to talk to a construction worker.

Its sad that Kaepernick did it 100% for the right reason and now it seems like its being done because Trump sucks. Its turned into a whole media topic just for attention, views, and money. Meanwhile, this dude still get punished. Jerry Jones is a fucking bozack posing and smiling in that photo. Fuck him for not

White people historically scared to give us an inch in fear of being slapped with 12 inches.

Like a glove? Perfect.

Thanks for the heads up.

White women are the new white men of republicans without a doubt. What she said sounded great and all but these white women didnt lose their voice, they amplified it. They got exactly what they wanted but they pretend they didnt. BTW, she is still looking good and that dress is 🖒🖒.

Yeah but I miss Jay.

Jezebel? LOL.

The new dark ages.