
I bet he really likes the name Grand Master B.

I remember that time. It was very edgy and “punk rock” of them to hate nazis and look up to them at the same time.

For the page view numbers.


Times like this make me wish I had twitter account.

These people get dumber by the day.

Good people and good neighbors. I hope they somehow find the people sending the notes but Im guessing theres no return address.

That makes sense. Good for them.

I have no idea. I dont really hang with any vegans. Maybe fake leather? Youd think fake leather would also be against their agenda too.

Wow. Thats how you make someone want to watch a movie.

Im sure she knows her husband is an ass. There were people in attendance that are even bigger asses. She still had a positive message to share (probably written by an unknown source). Hopefully they, and we, all heard it.

Damn, need some ketchup to serve with those harsh browns??

And for some reason we want everyone on our team to have the exact same point of views on every specific thing or we wont play at all.

Yeah I know what you mean. We cant even have differences of definitions without talking so much crap to each other. Its seems like being on the same side doesnt matter anymore, people just want to be right and belittle the others. Being right means more than being happy. Meanwhile, Trumps people are all getting along

I laughed so hard that it HAS to be a joke! Too funny.

You’re right. I would plan my time around when he would be on TV. That guy knew his shit, how to answer questions, and make you feel good about it. He is like a dad that can whip your ass and make you feel good about what you learned from it.

That was the beauty of his campaign. You didnt have to believe in everything he did but you could at least believe that he knew what he was doing and cared for people. Now we have a guy that seems to know nothing and care about nobody.

Maybe if Trump had spent ANY time as a politician then he would have more of that skill but we all know that you dont have to be a politician or know shit about politics to win an election anymore.

Short answer: We do.

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” but she has neither. Shes likely to fail because of it.